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Title: Air -Non-Metallic Mineral Processing General Permit
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
Subject: Air
Air Emissions
Air Quality
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:15:26 PM
Modification Date: 7/3/2024 7:56:41 AM
Agency Name: Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Minnesota
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is responsible for administering environmental permitting, compliance/enforcement, remediation and outreach programs to help Minnesota protect its environment.
Agency Phone: 651-296-6300
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address:
520 Lafayette Rd. N.

St. Paul
MN 55155

Unit Name: Small Business Environmental Assistance
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-282-6143
Unit Fax: Contact person(s): Unit URL:
Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

Review Air Permits

Minn. Rules 7007.0200 and Minn. Rules 7007.0250 specify the facilities requiring an air emissions permit. Construction of a new source meeting those specifications must receive an air emissions permit prior to commencement of construction. In some cases, Environmental Review (Minn. Rules 4410) is required before a permit can be issued. Facility needs to determine if a permit is required, based on potential emissions, and type of facility described in Minn. Rules Minn. Rules 7007.0200 and Minn. Rules 7007.0250, and apply for the appropriate type.

The Non-Metallic Mineral Processing General Permit is for non-metallic mineral processing (sand and gravel) facilities operating the following types of equipment: crushers, screens, wet screening operations, transfer operations (including belt conveyors, enclosed truck/rail car loading stations, bucket elevators, storage bins, stackers, ladders, chutes, classification screws, feeders, pneumatic systems, and bagging operations), sand heaters, air separators (closed system), internal combustion engines, storage piles, paved and unpaved roads and parking lots, bulldozers, loaders, and other related vehicles, and/or any insignificant activities - listed in Minn. Rules 7007.1300 and/or conditionally insignificant activities as defined in Minn. Rules 7007.1300, subp. 2 and 3 and/or conditionally insignificant activities listed in Minn. Rules 7008

The following operations are not allowed under the Non-Metallic Mineral Processing General Permit: grinding mills, air conveying systems, air classifiers, calciners, and aggregate heaters/dryers. There are General Permits for manufacturing facilities. Facilities who qualify for the Non-Metallic Mineral Processing General Permit are required to apply for the General Permit per Minn. Rules 7007.1110, subp. 2b. Those facilities who do not qualify for the General Permit may obtain a Registration Permit unless those facilities who do not qualify for either a Registration Permit or a General Permit or who prefer not to accept the restrictions of the Registration Permit or General Permit must obtain an Individual Part 70 Operating Permit or State Operating Permit. Only one Air Emissions Permit is required for a facility; it covers construction and operation. The type depends on the individual facility.

Rules: 7002

Statutes: 116.07


There is a one-time application fee assessed when a facility applies for a Non-Metallic Mineral Processing General Permit.

A fee is also assessed for an administrative change; for example, change in ownership or name change.

Annual fees are assessed based on a facility's actual emissions of the chargeable pollutants, as reported in an annual emissions inventory. Air emission-based fees are charged on a "dollar per ton of emissions" basis. 

For more information on how air emission-based fees are calculated, go to Air permit fees and Air emission reporting and fees

Period of Issuance:

The Non-Metallic Mineral Processing General Permit is a State permit, and therefore it is non-expiring.

Length of Determination: It is recommended that an application for an air emission permit for any new facility be filed at least 180 days before the planned start of construction. General Permits do not require a public notice period prior to issuance, but may require Environmental Review, which does include a public notice period.
Other Info:
Activity: Air Quality
Sand and Gravel
License Detail URL:

Air Permits

Air quality

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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

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