Title: Medical Response Unit (MRU) / Specialized Medical Response Unit (SMRU) Registration
Alternate Title:
Description: Medical Response Unit (MRU) is an organized service recognized by a local government unit, whose primary responsibility is to respond to medical emergencies to provide initial medical care before the arrival of a licensed ambulance service. The MRU must be dispatched to the scene of an emergency by a public safety answering point (PSAP) or a licensed ambulance service. Specialized Medical Response Unit (SMRU) is an organized service recognized by an Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB)-approved authority other than a local government unit, that responds to medical emergencies as needed or required by local procedure or protocol.
Subject: Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:10:17 PM
Modification Date: 8/16/2024 12:13:59 PM
Agency Name: Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB), Minnesota
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/emsrb/
Agency Description:
The Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB) is the lead agency for emergency medical services in Minnesota. The board licenses and regulates ambulance services, certifies and registers EMS personnel, investigates complaints, and administers a variety of EMS funding and programs.
Agency Phone: 651-201-2800
Agency Fax: Agency URL: https://mn.gov/emsrb/
Agency Address:
2829 University Ave. S.E., Suite 310
MN 55414
Audience: Professional
Application URL: https://emsrblm.mn.gov/lms/public/portal#/login
Renewal URL: https://emsrblm.mn.gov/lms/public/portal#/login
Versa URL:
Review Medical Response Units
There are two types of non-transporting First Responder Units:
An organized service recognized by a local government unit, whose primary responsibility is to respond to medical emergencies to provide initial medical care before the arrival of a licensed ambulance service. The MRU must be dispatched to the scene of an emergency by a public safety answering point (PSAP) or a licensed ambulance service.
An organized service recognized by an EMSRB-approved authority other than a local government unit, that responds to medical emergencies as needed or required by local procedure or protocol.
MRUs and SMRUs must have a medical director and be staffed by Emergency Medical Responders or Emergency Medical Technicians.
Initial and renewal registration is available by submitting a completed application to emsrb@state.mn.us
MRU Initial and Renewal Application
Statutes: 144E.001
MRU Initial and Renewal Application
Period of Issuance:
Registration will be for a two-year period.
Length of Determination:
Other Info:
Activity: Emergency Medical Services
Medical Response Unit
License Detail URL:
Medical Response Units
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Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB), Minnesota