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Title: Commercial Driver Training School License
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Subject: Commercial Drivers
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:11:56 PM
Modification Date: 1/30/2025 1:45:27 PM
Agency Name: Public Safety (DPS), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) is responsible for the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement, Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS), Emergency Communication Networks, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Office of Justice Programs, State Fire Marshal, Pipeline Safety, State Highway Patrol, Capitol Security and Traffic Safety.
Agency Phone: 651-201-7000
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address: Public Safety (DPS), Minnesota Dept. of
445 Minnesota Street

St. Paul
Division Name: Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS)
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: 651-297-3298 Driver Services
651-297-2126 Vehicle Services
Division Fax: Division URL:
Division Address:
445 Minnesota St., Suite 190

St. Paul
MN 55101-5190

Unit Name: Driver Educator Office
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-201-7626
Unit Fax: 651-296-5316
Contact person(s):
Unit URL:
Audience: Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

Commercial Driver Training School, Instructor, and Vehicle Requirements

School Requirements

To qualify for a commercial driver training school license the following requirements must be met before a driving school can open for business.

 You must:

   • Submit an application and the license fee of $150 to the Driver and Vehicle Services Division (DVS)
   • Post a surety bond as specified in Minn. Rules 7411.0275, and submit the original bond form to DVS
   • Own or lease an administrative office as specified in Minn. Rules 7411.0345
   • Comply with the instruction location requirements in Minn. Rules 7411.0355
   • Provide a copy of a lease or agreement for instruction location use to DVS
   • Submit the classroom and behind-the-wheel curriculum to DVS for approval
   • Submit an example of the student contract to DVS
   • Provide an insurance certificate for driver education vehicles to DVS
   • Provide a vehicle inspection form for training vehicles that are more than six years old 

Note: No permanent or temporary program location may be within 150 feet of a site where any part of a driver’s license examination is administered. 

Instructor Requirements

To become an instructor in a commercial driver training school, you must meet the eligibility and training requirements as specified in Minn. Rules 7411.0620 - .0690

Vehicle Requirements

   • Vehicles used for driver training instruction must comply with the requirements specified in Minn. Rules 7411.0850 
   • Vehicles used for driver training instruction must comply with the insurance requirements specified in Minn. Rules 7411.0270

A copy of the Driver Education Minn. Rules 7411.0100 - .2000 may be obtained from any public library where these rules are on file. They can also be accessed online at Minn. Rules 7411
Copies of the Rules will not be mailed to you

Driver educators

Driver's License for All

  • Language Resources
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Minnesota Driver's Manual

Minneosta Driver's Manual 

The Driver's license manual is a summary of Minnesota's motor vehicle and licensure requirements. For complete standards, consult the state statutes and rules. 

Driver's Manual Audio Files

English version of the driver’s license manual in audio files. 

Motorcycle and motorized bicycle manual
Motorcycle and motorized bicycle manual (audio)

Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

Audio manual

Rules: 7411.0100 - .2000

Statutes: 171.33


   Application for Driver Training Instructor License PS36008

   Driver Education Class D Vehicle Inspection Form PS36009

​   Application for Driver Education Program Approval PS36010

   Driver Education Vehicle Insurance Certificate ​PS36016

   ​Driver Education Motorcycle Insurance Certificate ​PS36016

   Application for Driver Training School License PS36275

​   Bond of Commercial Driver Training School PS30380

​​   Driver Educator Sample Agreement Contract none

   Commercial Instructor Affidavit none

Application forms are available at Driver Educators


Initial and Renewal Commercial School License Annual Fee: $150   

Duplicate Commercial School License:

Initial and Renewal Commercial Instructor License Annual Fee: $50

Duplicate Commercial Instructor License: $5

Period of Issuance:

Period of time that elapses before a license can be issued depends largely on how quickly applicant can meet the requirements; i.e., pass the test, obtain bond, have vehicle ready for inspection, etc..

School locations in greater Minnesota may require additional time for travel arrangements for testing and inspection. See Minn. Stat. § 171.05, .33-.41

One year from date of issuance.

Length of Determination: Ten days to one month.
Other Info:
Activity: Schools
Commercial Drivers
Commercial Driver Training
Motor Vehicle
License Detail URL:

Driver educators

Driver and Vehicle Services

MN Dept. of Public Safety (DPS)

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