Nonprofits and Licenses*Before the Gambling Control Board can issue a premises permit, the local unit of government where the premises is located (city or county) must give prior approval of the application. The approval must be within 90 days of the date the application is received by the Gambling Control Board. To give prior approval, the local unit of government must:
Reporting Changes in Application Information
Board Request Forms for Organizations
The following forms are used to request prior approval of the Gambling Control Board for expenditures as required by statute or rule. Consideration of the requests is given by the Gambling Control Board at its monthly board meeting.
IMPORTANT: These requests and supporting documentation require time to review and process. Only complete requests that have been reviewed and contain a staff recommendation by the first of a month will be placed on the upcoming agenda for consideration by the Board. For additional information, contact your Compliance Specialist.
*Before the Gambling Control Board can issue a premises permit, the local unit of government where the premises is located (city or county) must give prior approval of the application. The approval must be within 90 days of the date the application is received by the Gambling Control Board. To give prior approval, the local unit of government must:
Reporting Changes in Application Information
Board Request Forms for Organizations
The following forms are used to request prior approval of the Gambling Control Board for expenditures as required by statute or rule. Consideration of the requests is given by the Gambling Control Board at its monthly board meeting.
IMPORTANT: These requests and supporting documentation require time to review and process. Only complete requests that have been reviewed and contain a staff recommendation by the first of a month will be placed on the upcoming agenda for consideration by the Board. For additional information, contact your Compliance Specialist.
Forms are available at Nonprofits and Licenses
Annual license fee (non-refundable) - $350
Gambling manager - #100 annual license fee (non-refundable)
Premises Permit - $150 annual permit fee for each premises permit (non-refundable)
Perpetual, unless the Board revokes or suspends the license, the organization terminates the license, or the license lapses.
Nonprofits and Licenses
Gambling Control Board (GCB), Minnesota