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Title: Crop Hail Adjuster
Alternate Title: Insurance -Crop Hail Adjuster
Description: A crop hail adjuster is an individual who adjusts claims for damage to crops from hail, and not for any other cause (such as drought, flood, insects, etc.). Under Minnesota law, a crop hail adjuster is defined as “a person who for money, commission, or other thing of value acts as an adjuster in regard to insurance policies against crop damage by hail.” Minnesota Department of Commerce
Subject: Adjuster
Insurance Professionals
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:12:19 PM
Modification Date: 8/14/2024 10:15:28 AM
Agency Name: Commerce, Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Commerce is the chief regulator for the banking, energy, insurance, real estate, securities, telecommunications industries and also operates Minnesota's Unclaimed Property.
Agency Phone: 651-539-1500
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address:
85 7th Place East, Suite 500

St. Paul
Unit Name: Licensing Unit
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: 651-539-1599
800-420-5644 - Sircon
Unit Fax: Contact person(s):
Unit URL:
Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:



Crop Hail
   A Minnesota crop hail adjuster license is a limited license. The licensee may only act as an adjuster in regard to insurance policies against crop damage by
   hail. To adjust claims for crop damage from any other peril, including MPCI claims, you must get an independent or public adjuster
   license with the crop line of authority.

   Exception: A licensed crop hail adjuster who has satisfactorily completed the loss adjustment training curriculum and competency testing required by the
   Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Standard Reinsurance Agreement may adjust MPCI claims.

Complete the Crop Hail Adjuster application online at Sircon

Statutes: 72B


Complete the Crop Hail Adjuster license application at Sircon


$50 initial license

$50 renewal

Period of Issuance:

Two years.

Length of Determination: 1 - 2 weeks.
Other Info:
Activity: Insurance
License Detail URL:



License Lookup Directory

Minnesota Department of Commerce


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