Review Flying Club
"Flying club" means any person other than an individual which neither for profit nor compensation owns, leases or uses one or more aircraft for the purpose of instruction, business or pleasure. Commercial operators that offer discount rental rates sometimes refer to those offers as flying clubs. This type of operation requires a commercial operations license and is not subject to the rules concerning flying clubs.
Flying Clubs do not require a commercial operations license as long as they stay within the restrictions contained in the Minn. Rules 8800.4100-4600. An individual who owns an aircraft and accepts payment from others in return for their use of that aircraft is a commercial operator and must obtain a commercial operations license for rental/leasing of the aircraft. This does not necessarily make the operation a commercial operator under the definitions of the insurer or other entities. If an individual who owns an aircraft wishes to form a flying club the aircraft must be sold to the flying club. If club has five or more members, each January the club must submit an annual report to this office on a flying club report form furnished by this office. Each club must provide a point of contact and must maintain records of the flying club's operation.
Flying Club Annual Report
If club has five or more members, the club must submit an annual report to this office on a flying club report form furnished by this office.
Each club must provide a point of contact and must maintain records of the flying club's operation. Flying Club Annual Report
To use the interactive PDF forms: download the applicable form by clicking on the link, type in all applicable information, print the form, sign and return by mail.
To use the PDF forms: download the applicable form by clicking on the link, print the form, fill in all applicable information, sign and return by mail.
Application forms are available at Commercial Operations