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Title: Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage or Disposal Permit
Alternate Title:
Description: This permit is required for any facility that performs treatment, storage or disposal activities beyond those allowed by the rules governing hazardous waste generators. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
Subject: Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:13:40 PM
Modification Date: 7/3/2024 8:08:46 AM
Agency Name: Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Minnesota
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is responsible for administering environmental permitting, compliance/enforcement, remediation and outreach programs to help Minnesota protect its environment.
Agency Phone: 651-296-6300
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address:
520 Lafayette Rd. N.

St. Paul
MN 55155

Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:


Hazardous waste

     Hazardous waste identification and management

     Hazardous waste reporting and licensing

If you generate hazardous waste in Minnesota, you need to determine if the kind of waste you create is subject to fee, reporting, and licensing requirements. The amount of hazardous waste you generate will dictate your waste generator status for the year as a minimal-, very small-, small-, or large-quantity generator, or a one-time generator. Your licensing requirements are based on these categories.

A hazardous waste ID number (HWID, also called an EPA ID number) is assigned to a physical location where hazardous waste is generated or handled and the operator of that site. The ID is assigned to the site, so if your business moves, you'll need to get an new ID number. Obtain a HWID through MPCA's e-Service.

Step 1: Evaluate waste (w-hw1-01)

Step 2: Determine generator size (w-hw1-02)

Step 3: Obtain a hazardous waste identification number (w-hw1-03)


Statutes: 116.07


Annual licensing, fees, and reporting

Each year, hazardous waste generators that create 100 pounds or more per year of reportable hazardous wastes must:

  • submit a license application for the previous year.
  • report on hazardous wastes generated in the previous calendar year.
  • pay a fee.

Use MPCA Online Services to submit your application between January 1 and August 15. As part of your application, you'll report all hazardous waste generated during the previous calendar year, including spill debris and clean-outs. MPCA Online Services can also be used to make a change to your license.

If you are required to pay a fee, you will be sent an invoice after you submit your license application. Annual fees for hazardous waste generators are based on the amount of waste you reported for the previous calendar year and how those wastes were managed. Minimal-quantity generators are exempt from annual license fees. Unpaid fees will accrue late charges and interest, and may be sent to collections. The MPCA will not issue new licenses to generators with unpaid fees, and you could be cited for generating hazardous waste without a license.

About two weeks after you pay your fee, your license will be available for printing through this license search tool.

This electronic database provides access to information reported by hazardous waste generators to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) or the applicable metro county.


Pollution prevention requirements and fees

Period of Issuance:

Five years.

Length of Determination: Application parts A and B must be made at least 180 days prior to commencing construction. The process includes public comment and can take between 150 days and 2 years.
Other Info:
Activity: Waste
Hazardous Waste
License Detail URL:

Hazardous waste reporting and licensing

Hazardous waste

Online services

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

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