Review Lead
Include with all initial applications the following course materials:
▪ Course agenda
▪ Sample sign-in sheet
▪ Instructor and trainee manuals
▪ Copies of presentation materials including slide shows, handouts, DVDs
▪ Sample course diploma
▪ Course examination and answer key with proportion of questions on each major topic
▪ Description of hands-on training evaluation of trainee aptitude for work practices
▪ Description of training manager, principal instructor and all other instructor qualifications
Fax to Minnesota Department of Health Asbestos/Lead Compliance Unit 651-201-4606
Mail to:
Minnesota Department of Health Asbestos/Lead Compliance Unit
PO Box 64497
St Paul, MN 55164-0497
Direct questions to MDH, Lead Program at 651-201-4620.
Note: This is not for renewals. MN Dept. of Health contact us if you need help on how to renew.
Initial training course permit(each) - $500
Renewal of an initial training course permit(each) - $250
Refresher course permit(each) - $250
Renewal of a refresher course permit(each) - $125
A cashier's check or money order, payable to the Minnesota Department of Health. Do not send cash. Personal checks are not accepted. This fee is not refundable.
A permit is valid for two years from the date of issuance.