Review Requirements for Operating Boats-For-Hire
A boat-for-hire is any vessel navigating inland waters of Minnesota that is propelled by machinery or sails and is carrying more than six passengers for hire.
A permit to carry passengers for hire is issued to a boat that satisfies Minnesota's inspection requirements. All boats-for-hire must have an annual safety inspection, while the vessel is in the water, prior to carrying passengers for hire (Minn. Rules 5225.6140).
Boats constructed with wooden hulls must have a dry dock inspection annually.
Boats with composite or metal hulls must have a dry dock inspection every three years (Minn. Rules 5225.6140).
Vessels operating with a current inspection certificate issued by the United States Coast Guard are exempt from the state inspection requirements.
Who can operate boats-for-hire
Any individual who has a current boat master's license issued by DLI. The only exception is when the individual operating the boat-for-hire has a valid, current Charter Boat Captain's license issued by the United States Coast Guard.
Minnesota boat master license application and renewal
U.S. Coast Guard charter boat captain licenses
New boat: Request an annual operating permit by mail
Applications are available at Requirements for Operating Boats-for-Hire
Safety inspections, fees and additional information
New in 2021: Boat owners will be assessed the $200 annual operating and safety inspection fee on April 1. If your email address is on file, you will be notified that the fee is due along with instructions about how to make a payment online. If not paid within 10 days, an invoice will be mailed to you. Completing an application for the annual operating permit is only required if you have a NEW boat. Once payment is made, contact your inspector to request an inspection.
Instructions for online payment of annual operating and safety inspection fee
Navigation and Inspection Guide for Commercial Vessels
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources boating guide
U.S. Coast Guard CFR Title 33: Navigation and Navigable Waters
U.S. Coast Guard CFR, Title 46, Chapter 1, Subchapter T (Small Passenger Vessels)
Requirements for Operating Boats-for-Hire
License and Registration Lookup