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City of Saint Paul

The City of Saint Paul is investing in its children by starting a college savings account with $50 for each child who lives in Saint Paul, born in 2020 and after. While the city is saving for children’s futures through CollegeBound Saint Paul, with it's partners it is working to address the financial insecurity that impacts many Saint Paul families. Financial insecurity is a whole family systems problem  when families are not financially secure it directly affects both the adults and the children in the household.

The City of Saint Paul is using its Whole Family Systems Initiative grant to develop CollegeBound Saint Paul into a platform to improve the financial health, early childhood development and health outcomes of Saint Paul families with infants and toddlers with a deeper equity focus on Black, Indigenous, Latino and Asian families in Saint Paul.


Local community organization grantees work with families to create innovative program designs called “prototypes”, which address racial disparities in human services and outcomes facing the families in their community.

Baby and Mom_w Logo


The city is integrating CollegeBound Saint Paul with early childhood and financial health programs and interventions through partnerships with early childhood agencies and providers, community-based organizations and financial institutions. The city provides families access to early childhood and financial resources and programs through these partnerships. Saint Paul has developed a bonus structure that targets additional deposits towards low-income and Black, Indigenous, Latino, Asian and immigrant children, which also incentivizes parents’ participation in activities that promote the development of their child and their family’s financial health. The city is also piloting new strategies and advocating for policies that expand access to CollegeBound, quality early learning and care, and health care for children.

Visit the Saint Paul CollegeBound website to learn more

Baby and Parents Playing

Guaranteed Income Pilot

The City of Saint Pauls’s largest financial health strategy targeting CollegeBound families is guaranteed income. The goal is to get cash to families in Saint Paul with no strings attached so they can pay for the things they need, like food, housing and other essentials, allowing them to make their own decisions about how to care for their families. The city has combined guaranteed income with further investments in CollegeBound accounts to help children build wealth while families better make ends meet.

The People’s Prosperity Guaranteed Income Pilot launched in October 2020, and the city randomly selected 150 LMI CollegeBound families financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to receive $500 a month for 18 months and a $10 monthly CollegeBound bonus. The Center for Guaranteed Income Research is evaluating the pilot at the University of Pennsylvania. Still, families have shared how the additional income allowed them to buy necessities, pay bills, take training to get a better job, lower their stress levels and celebrate with their children by buying them gifts and cupcakes on their birthdays.

A second guaranteed income demonstration, CollegeBound Boost, launched in October 2022 in partnership with the University of Michigan. The city will enroll 1,000 LMI CollegeBound families in the demonstration and randomly select 333 families to receive $500 monthly for 24 months and $1,000 in their children’s CollegeBound accounts, and 334 to receive $1,000 in their CollegeBound account. Another 333 families will participate as the control group.

Visit the Saint Paul Peoples Prosperity Pilot webpage to learn more

News and resources

State strategies to strengthen economic opportunity | Minnesota Department of Human Services and BUILD Initiative

This brief provides insight into designing guaranteed income programs to ensure they are implemented effectively and efficiently with employment and other social support services to provide families with economic security and social mobility. In the first of two sections, the challenge and policy options are discussed. In the second, a table describes key income supports and strategies for states and local leaders to ensure guaranteed income can be complementary and additive to have the greatest impact on families’ financial well-being.

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Guaranteed Income Webinar Series | Minnesota Department of Human Services and BUILD Initiative

In this four-part webinar series, participants will learn about cash transfer examples from across the country and Minnesota.

A mayoral panel discusses different approaches to guaranteed income work in this video.
Jovon Perry is the director of Economic Assistance and Employment Supports in Minnesota's Child and Family Services department. Perry provides the context and history of the vision for Whole Family Systems in Minnesota in this video.
Kasey Wiedrich is the financial capability manager in the Office of Financial Empowerment for the City of Saint Paul. In this video, Wiedrich shares the guaranteed income work in Saint Paul.
Ryan Johnson is the legislative and policy lead in the Economic Assistance and Employment Supports Division with the Minnesota Department of Human Services. In this video, he shares information on Minnesota's guaranteed income and public assistance programs.

Bulletin 23-04-01: Unearned Income Policy for Public Assistance Programs | Minnesota Department of Human Services

Guidance on how to treat unearned income sources when determining eligibility or benefits for the Minnesota Family Investment Program, Diversionary Work Program, refugee cash assistance, general assistance, Minnesota Supplemental Aid, housing support, Child Care Assistance Program and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

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A Systematic Review of Innovative Cash Transfer Programs in the United States | Future Services Institute Report

This report reviews and compares several significant cash transfer programs in the United States. All  programs under review have been piloted or scaled, helping to provide insights into the implementation and impact of these programs.

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How guaranteed income payments affect public benefits | Minnesota Department of Human Services

This is a basic overview of how guaranteed income could affect benefits families may receive or want to apply for. Policy Bulletin, 23-04-01 Unearned Income Policy for Public Assistance Programs, has guidance for Department of Human Services public assistance programs.

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Guaranteed Income Pilot Dashboard |

The Guaranteed Income Pilots Dashboard is designed to visualize data from more than 30 guaranteed income pilots across the United States. This data and testimonies from participants shed light on how unconditional cash provides people the opportunity, freedom and resilience to build financial security. The dashboard launched in September 2022 with aggregate spending data, which will be updated quarterly.

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What we know about universal basic income: A cross-synthesis of reviews | Stanford Basic Income Lab Report

This report compiles and critically examines 16 reviews of the evidence to synthesize key findings, identify evidence gaps, and derive directions for future universal basic income research, policy and practice. 

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No Strings Attached: The Behavioral Effects of U.S. Unconditional Cash Transfer Programs | Roosevelt Institute

In this evidence review, the Roosevelt Institute explores how unconditional cash transfers affected recipients’ behavior in three major natural experiments. While the amounts dispersed and time periods were distinct in each experiment, each provided money without set conditions or a means test. The institute synthesized data for the following outcomes: consumption; labor force participation (employment, hours worked and earnings); education; health; and other social outcomes, such as marriage or fertility choices. Each program shares different components of a universal basic income, a cash transfer everyone within a geographic or political territory regularly receives with no long-term conditions. By understanding the effects of these programs, the institute can generate answers to how an unconditional cash transfer program might affect recipients in the future.

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Income guarantee benefits and financing: poverty and distributional impacts | Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University

In this brief, the Center on Poverty and Social Policy explores three alternative income guarantee designs and three primary financing methods for the program benefits. A common argument against a universal basic income is that the cost is too high, and the benefits should be targeted. Using more general models of an income guarantee, the center explores the feasibility of applying a fundamental baseline tax reform, eliminating potentially redundant tax code provisions (personal deductions and child or dependent tax credits) while financing the remainder of program costs by either a proportional increase in federal income taxes, a consumption tax via a value-added tax, or a carbon tax. One major finding is that income guarantee policies could significantly decrease poverty. 

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Protecting benefits in guaranteed income pilots: lessons learned from the abundant birth project | San Francisco Office of Financial Empowerment

This brief offers lessons learned about how to protect recipient benefits, particularly in California, through the lens of the Abundant Birth Project, a pilot program aimed at reducing birth health disparities and improving birth outcomes for Black and Pacific Islander pregnant women in San Francisco by providing $1,000 per month for six months during pregnancy and six months post-partum.

This brief focuses on strategies to attain waivers that will exempt guaranteed income cash transfers from income eligibility determinations in various public benefits.

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Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED): The country's first guaranteed income pilot

Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration was born out of the simple belief that the best investments are made in people. In February 2019, Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration began giving 125 Stocktonians a guaranteed income of $500 each month for 24 months. This income is unconditional, meaning there are no strings attached and no work requirements. With a hand-up rather than a handout, Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration seeks to empower its recipients financially and to prove to supporters and skeptics alike that poverty results from a lack of cash, not character.

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Healthy communities and universal basic income: A conceptual framework and evidence review | Stanford Basic Income Lab Report

The Stanford Basic Income Lab aims to promote an informed public conversation on universal basic income and its potential to alleviate poverty, precariousness and inequality.

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Accelerating equity and justice: Basic income and generational wealth | Institute of Assets and Social Policy

This policy brief critically examines the evidence and theories pertinent to cash transfers and wealth-generating programs, highlighting bold promises, evidentiary foundation and challenges. The following section builds upon knowledge of cash transfers and wealth accumulation to design a realistic Just Futures Fund policy proposal. The estimated impacts are modeled for this bold policy design with racial justice and equity as our North Stars. 

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State-level data for understanding child poverty | Child Trends

Child poverty fell an unprecedented 59% over the past quarter century in the United States. This child poverty data tool can be used to explore how poverty declined among children in each state from 1980 to today, alongside changes in economic and demographic conditions.

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Study: St. Paul's guaranteed income program improved families' well-being | StarTribune

The University of Pennsylvania study found the extra money to low-income St. Paul families improved positive outlooks as well as cash flow.

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Mayors vow to launch guaranteed income programs across US | AP News

Mayors in at least 25 cities — from Los Angeles to Paterson, New Jersey — have pledged to support such programs as part of the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income group. They are led by Michael Tubbs, the 30-year-old mayor of Stockton, California, who launched one of the country’s first guaranteed income programs last year with the help of private donations from Silicon Valley.

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People’s Prosperity podcast | Bright Futures

The Bright Futures Audio Postcards project is a visual and audio representation of Saint Paul’s People’s Prosperity Guaranteed Income Pilot Program. The Bright Futures physical postcards have a QR code with a link to a produced audio story of one of the current participants in the People’s Prosperity Pilot, describing why the program worked for their family.

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For more than 20 guaranteed income projects, the data is in | Bloomberg News

The programs have been a lifeline across the U.S., new research shows — especially for parents of color. This data provides a look at the reach and impact of city pilot programs designed to test the power of no-strings-attached cash.

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“Freedom to Think What Could Be Best for Our Family”: A Guaranteed Income Experiment in CollegeBound St. Paul/A Children’s Savings Account Program | Sociology Mind

The goal of this study is to understand policy implications of focusing on meeting basic needs today versus security and growth needs for tomorrow in the lives of the poor. Semi-structured interviews with 32 Boost participants reveal that families characterize their financial situation as just “making it” through use of budgeting, welfare, family help, extra work, and borrowing. Congruent with a financial needs’ theory of saving, we find that across study groups participants, in part, spend and save according to a hierarchy of needs (first spending on survival such as food and bills, followed by saving for security, and lastly, saving for growth needs such as education and retirement), with findings supported by actual spending data. Further, this study design allows us to see that, consistent with financial needs theory (and contrary to conventional attitudes about irresponsible spending), after survival needs are met, participants receiving guaranteed income use a portion of the $500 payment to save for their security and growth needs.

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St. Paul’s guaranteed income pilot a ‘life raft’ for families | Star Tribune

In November 2020, Mayor Melvin Carter launched the St. Paul pilot, giving 150 families $500 a month for 18 months. Since then, dozens of cities have rolled out similar programs to make the case for a federal guaranteed income policy.

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Twin Cities at forefront of guaranteed basic income experiment | MPR News

Minneapolis and St. Paul are at the forefront of a national experiment in what happens when people are given a few hundred extra dollars a month.

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U.S. cities try new way to help the poor: give them money | Reuters

Spurred by the coronavirus pandemic, dozens of U.S. cities are deploying a new tool in their war on poverty: cash. At least 16 cities and counties are handing out no-strings-attached payments to some low-income residents, a Reuters tally found. At least 31 other local governments plan to do so in the months ahead.

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