Information about home loan rates, business or agriculture loan rates, interest rate on judgments and arbitration awards, adjustments of dollar amounts, and consumer credit code adjustments.
Deficiency and Property Exemption Adjustments
- Adjustments of Dollar Amounts - Restrictions on Deficiency Judgments and Minnesota Property Exemption were updated in April and are available here.
- Historic Adjustments (.pdf)- - Minnesota Consumer Credit Code and Regulated Loan Act, Adjustment of Dollar Amounts
- Restrictions On Deficiency Judgments, Minnesota Property Exemption and Minnesota Homestead Exemption Adjustment of Dollar Amounts (.pdf)
- Consumer Credit Code and Regulated Loan Act Adjustment of Dollar Amounts
Home Loan Rates
Interpretive Opinion Regarding Maximum Interest Rates under Minn. Stat. § 47.20, subd. 4a(a) [pdf]
Call 651-539-1711 for a recorded message of interest rates.
Note A: Effective August 1, 2024, the retired Federal National Mortgage Association posted yields on 30 year mortgage commitments for delivery within 60 days on standard conventional fixed rate mortgages may be substituted with the Average Prime Offer Rate published by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as outlined in the following Interpretive Opinion: Read the Interpretive Opinion [pdf]
Note B: Minnesota Statutes §47.20 established an index for maximum rates on conventional loans or contracts for deed with a duration of ten years or less, for the purchase of real estate for timeshare interest described in Minnesota Statutes §83.20. This rate is three (3) percentage points above other rates in this section or 15.75 percent per year, whichever is less