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Criminal Background Check (CBC)

Since October 2017, a Criminal Background Check is required of new applicants to the MN Board of MFT. Minnesota law requires that all initial applicants for LMFT licensure, those seeking reciprocity licensure, or applicants seeking LAMFT or LMFT license reinstatement must complete a fingerprint-based criminal background check pursuant to Minn. Stat. 214.075. The Minnesota Health Licensing Boards have cooperatively established the Criminal Background Check Program to help you efficiently complete this mandatory background check. Fingerprints are crosschecked with databases of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and Federal Bureau of Investigation. 

Since April 1, 2020, the criminal background check fee is $33.25 and is listed as a required fee on all required applications.  

After your application is received by the Board of MFT, the Criminal Background Check Program will email you a packet containing information and directions for completing the fingerprinting process and required forms. You are responsible for having your fingerprints taken promptly and for completing all required paperwork so as to not delay application processing.  Previously-taken fingerprints cannot be used.  If the required CBC process is not completed within six months of application filing, the application will be administratively closed by the Board.  

Please refer to the Criminal Background Check website for all information relating to the CBC process.

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