Limited General License
*Note: Minnesota Statute 270C.72 subdivision 4 requires licensing authorities in Minnesota to provide an applicant’s U.S. Social Security Number or U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
To proceed with the initial review of an applicant’s credentials and education, a U.S. Social Security Number or U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) must be provided to the Board.
*Note: Candidates seeking to hold dental licensure in other states must contact those states directly to inquire about licensure portability/reciprocity.
The Board does not guarantee licensure portability/reciprocity with any other state.
Step 1: Applicant contacts and provides educational documents to Foreign Credentials Service of America. Contact phone number (877) 553 - 4285 (toll free) or email
. The company creates a report and sends it to the Minnesota Board of Dentistry. The Minnesota Board of Dentistry determines whether the educational credentials are equivalent to those in the United States and whether they meet the considerations of the Board. Third-party educational evaluations and all other information are advisory to the Board and are not intended to supersede the authority of the Board.
NOTE: When reviewing the education of a dental graduate from a non-accredited dental program, the Minnesota Board of Dentistry is evaluating the dentist’s dental degree program for equivalency. The Minnesota Board requires passing grades in all subjects (defined as U.S. grade C or higher).
• IED Educational Review Form
Each application is considered on a case-by-case basis. Below are the specific documents needed to initiate the Credential Review process. Please do not submit any materials until you can send all of these (itemized in Step 2) together as a complete packet to our Board office. When originals are not in English, please include an official certified translation.
*Note: For official certified translation, Texan Translation is the recommended institution for Foreign Credentials Service of America.
Step 2: Applicant submits the following documents to our office. Please note that all documents will be discarded after processing. Have copies of documents notarized and certified whenever possible.
• Non-refundable fee of $200.00 (check made payable to the Minnesota Board of Dentistry)
• Internationally Educated Dentist Pre- Application
• National Dental Board Examination. The integrated National Board exam is accepted.
Visit Contact phone number 800.232.1694 or email
• Proof of passing the TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language Exam through the Educational Testing Service (ETS) within the previous two years. Contact phone number 609-921-9000 or visit their website for more information.
TOEFL required scores (minimum):
Total score
• Curriculum vitae or resume.
• Certificate of completion from the following course on Infection Control: Understanding CDC’s Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings.
• A notarized and certified copy of your dental diploma OR e-transcripts emailed to OR original transcripts in a sealed envelope. For documents not issued in English, include an official certified translation.
• Original License verification or letter of good standing showing proof of practicing clinical dentistry. This must include name, issue date, license number, and information on discipline or corrective actions.
Step 3: The Committee evaluates the documents above as submitted and provides the applicant with their determination. If approved, applicant would move forward to Step 4.
Step 4: Attend candidate interview, including submitting patient records, with the Licensure and Credentials Committee. This will be conducted virtually and scheduled only once the Committee determines the education is equivalent to that of a U.S. dental graduate today.
Patient Records:
Only the following format will be accepted for the submission of patient records.
Patient records must not be over 5 years old.
If records are not in English, an official certified translation is required.
Recordkeeping Instructions
Recordkeeping Forms:
1 Adult / Posterior Amalgam Class II (OR) Adult / Posterior Composite Class II
2 Adult Anterior Composite Class III
3 Deciduous Molar Pulpotomy Access and Completion
4 Deciduous or Permanent Molar Stainless Steel Crown Completion
5 Extraction of Deciduous Tooth
*Note: Incomplete patient records are not accepted. *
Step 5: If your interview is successful, the Board will grant you permission to sit for one of the Board approved clinical exams. Candidate must pass this exam within 18 months, with no more than 2 fails and one remediation.
• A notarized photocopy of your passing score on the clinical examination will be required for your LGL application. The Minnesota Board will need to draft a permission letter in order for you to register for the examination.
Step 6: Complete the Minnesota Jurisprudence Exam
Step 7: Complete the LGL license application form and submit a written agreement with a Minnesota Licensed Dentist. (The Committee must approve of the supervising dentist before they will grant the LGL license).
Step 8: When the application and submitted written agreement are accepted by the Board, they will grant you a Limited General License. You will receive confirmation via e-mail and also receive your legal renewal certificate in the mail. This legal document needs to be displayed in any location you practice.
Board staff will send you several Board approved documents that will clarify your scope of practice, how to write a Written Agreement, what the responsibility is of your Minnesota Supervising Dentist, and how to petition for an unrestricted license at the end of your 3-year term.
Other Pathways
Pursuing a Limited General License is not the only pathway for an internationally educated dentist to consider to obtain dental licensure in the state of MN.
We also allow:
PASS (Program for Advanced Standing Students) Pathway
• Completion of a Program for Advanced Standing Students through a dental degree program in the United States” (such as University of Minnesota Dental School PASS Program).
Specialty License Pathway
• Completion of a U.S. CODA accredited post-doctoral training program in a recognized Specialty areas and have been certified by a specialty examining board approved by the Minnesota Board of Dentistry, or provide evidence of having passed a clinical examination for licensure required for practice in any state or Canadian province
Have been in active practice or a postdoctoral specialty education program or United States government service at least 2,000 hours in the 36 months prior to applying for a specialty license;
At Board discretion, pass a board-approved English proficiency test if English is not the applicant's primary language;
Pass all components of the National Dental Board examinations;
Pass the Minnesota Jurisprudence Examination
Undergo a criminal background check
Abide by professional ethical conduct requirements; and
Meet all other requirements prescribed by the Board of Dentistry.
Application for Specialty Dentist
Limited/Full Faculty License Pathway
This could also be an option if certain requirements are met. More information on Faculty licensure can be found here.