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Reinstatement Requirements

1. Reinstatement Form (you will need to contact the Board to receive an application) 
2. Reinstatement application fee, the biennial renewal fee, and criminal background check fee (Fees)


Six Months or less from date of termination  

1. Professional Development - Provide evidence of having completed the professional development requirements as described under part 3100.5200 that would have applied to the applicant had the license or registration not expired.  Professional development requirements must have been completed within 24 months prior to the board’s receipt of the application.  

More Than Six Months, but less than 24 Months from date of termination  

1. Professional Development – Same as above.  
2. Jurisprudence Exam - Submit evidence of having successfully completed the Jurisprudence within 12 months prior to the board’s receipt of the application.  

24 Months or More from date of termination  
1. Professional Development – Same as above.  
2. Jurisprudence Exam - Submit evidence of having successfully completed the Jurisprudence within 12 months prior to the board’s receipt of the application  
3. Submit evidence of successful completing one of the following exams for your respective license type. Exams must have been completed no more than 24 months prior to the Board’s receipt of your application.
A nationally recognized objective structured clinical examination for general dentists: (ADEX/CDCA, CRDTS, WREB).
Specialty Dentists
A written specialty board examination or a nationally recognized objective structured clinical examination for specialty dentists. 
A nationally recognized objective structured clinical examination for dental hygienists: ADEX/WREB, CRDTS, or WREB.
Dental Therapists
A nationally recognized objective structured clinical exam for Dental Therapists: CDCA-DT.
For questions regarding the reinstatement process, please contact the Board at
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