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Long-Term Care Facility Information

Health Care Provider Directory

Provider Survey Results

NOTE: Not all survey results are listed under the commonly-used name of the facility. For example, some facilities are listed under the name of the ownership entity. If you cannot find the facility name, try searching by the city name and identifying the facility by its address. 

Nursing Home Report Card

The Minnesota Nursing Home Report Card helps inform your choice of nursing home. In addition to the report card, consider other sources of information, visit nursing homes you are considering and discuss options with your family and facility staff.

Assisted Living Report Card

The Minnesota Assisted Living Report Card helps inform your choice of an assisted living. In addition to the report card, consider other sources of information, visit assisted living facilities you are considering, and discuss options with your family and facility staff.

Care Compare

Care Compare is a tool provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services offering a single source search and comparison information for a variety of provider types, including nursing homes, hospice care, and home health services. It has detailed information about every Medicare-certified nursing home in the country. You'll be able to find information about providers and facilities to help choose your health care providers and make more informed decisions about where you get your health care.


The website was developed by the Minnesota Board on Aging and the Minnesota Department of Human Services. It is an online directory of services and resources designed to help people in Minnesota identify resources, including information about certain individual providers.

NOTE: Assisted living facilities are required to have a Uniform Disclosure of Assisted Living Services and Amenities describing their services and amenities. Disclosures can be found by searching for the facility on MinnesotaHelp.

To find assisted living facilities that accept waiver payments, search by "assisted living facility" or "assisted living facility with dementia care" in the top toolbar. Then chose Brain Injury (BI), Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) and/or Elderly Waiver (EW) waiver payments, using the Filters on the left side of the screen. You can also find information about the facility's acceptance of waiver and other forms of payment in their Uniform Disclosure of Assisted Living Services and Amenities, also found on MinnesotaHelp. 


To find additional information and resources, please visit the Other Resources page.

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