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Submitting Notices to OOLTC

Nursing Home Discharge and Transfer Notices

Federal regulations require that nursing homes provide a notice of discharge to the state long-term care ombudsman program when a resident is discharged or transferred from a facility. Learn more about the federal requirements for providing Ombudsman Programs with notice of resident transfer or discharge.

Nursing home discharge and transfer notices can be sent to Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care by faxing to 651-431-7452 or emailing to

Assisted Living Notices

The assisted living licensure law under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 144G was signed into law in 2019. The rules can be found at Minnesota Rules, chapter 4659. Under this law and associated rules, assisted living (AL) providers are required to submit certain notices to the Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care (OOLTC). 

Providers shall complete the Cover Sheet for AL Notice to OOLTC and submit it along with every notice to OOLTC. Notices must be submitted to fax number 651-431-7385 or emailed to

For an alternative fillable form, or for any questions about this cover sheet, please email

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