For assistance, call our job information line at 651.259.3637. There is someone to assist you Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
If your screen reader allows, use Internet Explorer for the best experience.
Turn off the Pop-up blocker. The Pop-up blocker is found in the Tools menu (Alt+t). Navigate to Tools, hit the down arrow 10 times, and then choose Turn off Pop-up blocker.
Clear your cache and/or delete your browser history. To clear your cache and/or delete your browser history, press Alt+x, o. Press Alt+d to open the delete Browsing History window, and then select the Delete button.
There are four links on the Careers website home page. They are:
External Applicant (For applicants who are not current employees to search and apply for jobs)
Accessible Applicant Portal (For external applicants who use screen readers) - The Accessible Applicant site has the same information as the External Applicant site, but the content is laid out in a more linear fashion. Screen readers will also work on the External Applicant site. If you are experiencing difficulty navigating the Accessible Applicant site, try the External Applicant site.
Current Employees (Redirects current employees to Self Service to search and apply for jobs. If needed, employees can set Self Service to accessibility mode.)
Applicant Help (To learn more about the application and selection process.)
Search for jobs without signing in. You can narrow your search by using the Filter By links to search by Location, Agency, Job Family and Job Function; select the Show Filter By Tree to expand the Filters; by entering text or a job opening ID number in the Keywords search; or by selecting a Sort By option from the drop-down menu.
To review the job posting, select the Job Title link.
Choose a job to apply for and select the Apply button at the bottom of the job posting.
Register (if new user) or Sign in if existing user.
There are seven steps in the process. After filling out the required information on each page, navigate to and select the Next button. Your application can be saved throughout the process by selecting the Save as Draft button. Note: this button saves your application, but does not submit it.
Step 1 (of 7): Application Terms and Agreements. Select the checkbox after listening to the terms and agreements to accept them.
Step 2: Upload resume from your computer or proceed without a resume. If you do not upload a resume, you will need to manually enter information into the application. You may upload a separate, customized resume for each position you apply for. Each resume will need a unique name.
Step 3: Employment preferences. Employment preferences are optional and include willingness to travel or relocate, preferred work location, work hours, desired pay, etc.
Step 4: Qualifications. Depending on the position applying for, there are either three or four subpages.
Step 5: Referrals. Only the first question, "How did you learn of the job" is required. If you choose Employee, then you must also name the referring employee
Step 6: Self-Identity. Any information disclosed is voluntary, will be kept confidential, and may only be used in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws, executive orders, and regulations. When reported, data will be aggregated and will not identify any specific individual.
Step 7: Review and Submit. Review your application before submitting. You can edit by selecting the Edit icon available in each section. When ready, select the Submit Application button. After you submit your application, you will get a confirmation message on your computer and in your email. You may either exit the system or select the "Return to Job Search" link to search for and select other jobs to apply to.
Using the Spacebar is often more effective than using the Enter key to open links and activate buttons.
On the Job Search page, go to the top of the page (Ctrl + Home) and arrow down to enter directly into the search filters without listening to the entire list of job openings first.
There are some search features on the Qualifications pages that are not easily accessed by screen readers.
The suggested keyboard shortcut (Alt + 5) does not work with the Virtual Cursor on. To improve accessibility, either turn off the Virtual Cursor (Insert + Z) and use Alt + 5 or use the JAWS search feature (Insert + F) to find the link and then use the Spacebar to open it.
Once you access the Look-up codes pages, there may be some issues with the search fields. If searching in the Description field does not bring up any results, try searching in the Code field.
There have been reports of unexpected behavior when navigating with the Virtual Cursor in JAWS. If you find JAWS keeps repeating a field, or are having issues with navigating the registration page, try turning off the Virtual Cursor (Insert + Z). Use the Tab key to navigate between the form fields.