The Launch Minnesota Network
Regional Hubs and Program Partners
Launch Minnesota works to level the playing field for all entrepreneurs across the state. Our regional partners comprise the Launch Minnesota Network, which is organized in a hub-and-spoke model that allows each region to customize its offerings while still enabling entrepreneurs to access statewide resources and best practices. The network has nine hubs across Minnesota’s six regions and 90 program partners. These organizations are working together, helping entrepreneurs across the state navigate the wealth of regional and statewide resources.
The hubs listed below were selected through a competitive grant process, and use their awarded funds to connect entrepreneurs to resources, accelerators, educational opportunities and more. All hub members were either created by or supported through this grant. If you are interested in supporting the Launch Minnesota Network or would like to connect with any of the partners, contact launchminnesota@state.mn.us.
Minnesota is fortunate to have many great organizations focused on helping startups thrive. One key goal of Launch Minnesota is to help improve coordination among ecosystem stakeholders to maximize impact. We're here to enhance and elevate current efforts and initiatives.
We seek to help share:
- Opportunities to share best practices across sectors and regions
- Exposure of your work and success stories
- Access to information and resources at Launch Minnesota and across the state.