62J evaluation reports submitted by the Department of Commerce to the Legislature in 2021
- Evaluation of HF1041-1E: Would require regulated health plans in Minnesota to provide coverage for services related to ectodermal dysplasia.
- Evaluation of HF58-2E: Would require health plans and PBMs to file their prescription drug formularies and to use a realtime prescription drug benefit tool.
- Evaluation of HF447-1E and HF2414: Both bills would require regulated health plans in Minnesota to provide additional coverage for breast cancer screening follow-up services.
- Evaluation of HF633-1E: Would requires that individual and small group health carriers provide a flat-dollar, pre-deductible copayment for all tiers of drugs in at least 25 percent of the plans offered in each geographic rating area in which they operate.
- Evaluation of HF785-1E: Would require health plans to provide coverage for acupuncture services specifically related to treatment of ongoing pain.
- Evaluation of SF97: Would require regulated health plans in Minnesota to provide certain coverage for lymphedema treatment.
- 62J Benefit Mandate Evaluations -- 2021 Request for Information