The Complaint Resolution Committee (CRC) of the Board of Podiatric Medicine is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, chapter 214 and it reviews complaints against licensees. The CRC is comprised of two Board members, a licensed doctor of podiatric medicine and a public member of the Board. The Executive Director processes complaints submitted to the Board and refers them to the Committee, as appropriate.
1. If a complaint or other information obtained by the Board indicates that a licensee may have violated a statute or rule that the Board has authority to enforce, the Committee may request the licensee’s written response to the allegations, may refer the matter to the Attorney General’s Office for investigation and/or may schedule a conference with the licensee to discuss the allegations.
2. If the licensee’s response, the investigation and/or the conference discussion show that the licensee has violated a statute or rule enforced by the Board, the Committee may either dismiss the matter if it determines that the licensee’s conduct does not warrant corrective or disciplinary action; may attempt to resolve the matter with the licensee by an agreement for corrective action; or may attempt to negotiate a stipulation for disciplinary action which must be approved by the full Board to become effective. If the Committee believes that the licensee’s conduct warrants disciplinary action and it is unable to resolve the matter with the licensee, the Committee will initiate a disciplinary proceeding against the licensee in accordance with the Minnesota Administrative Procedure Act.
Complaints should be submitted on the Boards Complaint Form and returned to the Board at 335 Randolph Avenue, Suite 210, St. Paul, MN 55102.
Contact the Board office if you have additional questions regarding the complaint or disciplinary process.