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Supervision by LMFTs receiving Supervision of Supervision

MN Board of MFT Policy - LMFTs receiving supervision of supervision as part of AAMFT or MFT Doctoral program requirements:
Question: Must a postgraduate applicant for LMFT licensure be directly supervised by a MN Board-Approved LMFT supervisor? Or, is it acceptable for an LMFT who is either (1) enrolled in an MFT doctoral program providing supervision as part of required doctoral-level coursework, or (2) an LMFT seeking AAMFT-approved supervisor status completing the supervision-of-supervision requirement - either of whom are concurrently receiving supervision-of-supervision from a current MN Board-Approved LMFT supervisor – to provide post-graduate supervision for purposes of licensure to the LMFT applicant? 
Minnesota Rule 5300.0155 states the postgraduate experience required of applicants seeking MN LMFT licensure must be “supervised by a board-approved, Minnesota-licensed marriage and family therapist supervisor.” Subpart 4(E) of this rule further states, “Supervisees must make data from their clinical work directly available to the supervisor through written clinical materials, direct observation, audio or video records, or other reporting methods.” Finally, Minnesota Rule 5300.0170 states a supervisor must “see that all supervised work is conducted in an appropriate professional setting, with adequate administrative and clerical controls, so as to assure the quality and competency of supervised activities.” 
In applying Rule 5300.0155 and 5300.0170, the Board’s Application Review Committee affirmed it will accept postgraduate supervision of an LMFT license applicant provided by an individual who: (a) has not yet been granted the MN Board-Approved LMFT supervisor status; and (b) is receiving supervision of supervision from a MN Board-Approved LMFT supervisor, when the following requirements are met:
1. The MN Board-Approved LMFT supervisor agrees and is required to serve as the supervisor of record for the LMFT license applicant. It is recommended this agreement be in writing. 

2. The LMFT license applicant is notified of, and agrees to, receive supervision from the non-Board-approved LMFT supervisor and the MN Board-Approved LMFT supervisor providing supervision of supervision. It is recommended this agreement be in writing. 

3. The MN Board-Approved LMFT supervisor completes the required Postgraduate Experience and Supervision Verification Form (LMFT application page 10), required when the LMFT applicant files the Application for LMFT Licensure.

4. The MN Board-Approved LMFT supervisor (1) assumes clinical responsibility for both the LMFT license applicant’s work and the supervisory work of the non-Board-approved LMFT supervisor receiving supervision of supervision; and (2) the clinical supervision provided by the MN Board-Approved LMFT supervisor meets the requirements of Minn. Rule 5300.0155, subp. 4 (E) referenced above.
This policy may be utilized only for individuals obtaining supervision of supervision as part of the AAMFT-approved supervisor credentialing process or a doctoral MFT student required to provide supervision as part of doctoral-level coursework. 
Questions? Contact the Board by email at 
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