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Data Request and Public Mailing List

The Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13) gives every individual important rights when state agencies collect, create, receive, maintain, or disseminate data. The Data Practices Act presumes that all government data are public unless a state or federal law says the data are not public.

Data Practices Policies

You have the right to look at (inspect), free of charge, all public data that we keep. You also have the right to get copies of public data. The Data Practices Act allows us to charge for copies. When we can identify you in government data, you are the "data subject" of that data. The Data Practices Act gives data subjects certain rights to request data about you, your minor child, or someone for whom you are the legal guardian.
Review the Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Data Practices Policies for information regarding your rights to gain access to data maintained by the Board and how to make a request for public data or data about yourself:

Mailing List

The MN Board of MFT mailing list includes public addresses of all current LMFT and LAMFT licensees.  It does not include licensee email addresses.  To purchase the MN Board of MFT mailing list, please complete the request form and mail to the Board office with the required  $60.00 fee.   

Data Inventory

The Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Practice Data Inventory lists private and confidential data on individuals collected and maintained by the Board:
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