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Board Member Appointments


Board member vacancies occur approximately yearly. The Governor appoints all members with the open appointment cycle beginning in November of each year. All Board terms are four years with no official maximum number of terms that can be served.

As a state agency, the Minnesota Board of Marriage and Family Therapy's mission and primary responsibility is to protect the public by regulating the practice of marriage and family therapists. The Board is composed of seven members: 4 members must be licensed practicing marriage and family therapists; one member must be engaged in the professional teaching and research of marriage and family therapy; and two members represent the general public and have no direct affiliation with the practice of marriage and family therapy. Board members serve the critical role in setting and enforcing licensure qualifications and continued competency standards and investigating all complaints of unethical practice. The Board meets six times a year, conducts monthly licensure exam sessions, and holds various monthly committee meetings. Board members are eligible to receive a $75.00 day per diem and are reimbursed for their direct travel, accommodation, and meal expenses in accordance with state reimbursement schedules, and should anticipate working a minimum of 2 days per month on Board business.

Board Member Appointment Process:

The Minnesota Secretary of State acts as an administrator in publishing vacancies every November, receiving applications, and recording appointments. Applications must be obtained from and submitted to the Office of the Secretary of State. Please submit your application as soon as possible to be assured full consideration by the appointing authority. Applications will be accepted until all appointments are made by the Governor.

Options to obtain information and submit an application to the Minnesota Secretary of State Office:

  1. Electronic Submission: Learn how to apply online.
  2. Mail or deliver to: 
    Office of the Secretary of State, Open Appointments
    180 State Office Building
    100 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
    St. Paul, MN 55155-1299
    Phone: 651-556-0643


Governor Appoints

The Governors Appointment Secretary receives the applications and works directly with the Governor to make all appointments. This process can take a few months with all appointments generally made by June of each year. The Appointment Secretary may directly contact the applicant for an interview or for additional information to share with the Governor.

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