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Device Demonstration

Device demonstrations allow consumers to compare features and benefits of a particular device or category of devices. Demonstrations are for individuals, or a small group of individuals, and are not the same as devices shown during an exhibit or public awareness event. Demonstrations can be either in person or done virtually depending on the consumer’s need and ability to travel.

During a device demonstration, consumers can:

  • Compare features of one or more similar devices or software systems
  • Experience hands-on time exploring similar devices or software systems
  • Ask questions
  • Receive professional advice
  • Make a decision whether or not to borrow a device for short-term loan

To learn more or to schedule a device demonstration, please contact STAR or one of our partners listed below.

Although there is no charge for a device demonstration, customers are asked to complete a short survey. This survey is required by our federal funder and ensures we are providing good and effective services.

STAR Partners

Lighthouse Center for Vital Living

Provides demonstrations
309 W. 1st Street
Duluth, MN 55802
218-624-4479 (Fax)

Minnesota STAR Program

Provides demonstrations
Administration Building
50 Sherburne Avenue, Suite G10
Saint Paul, MN 55155

North Dakota Assistive

Provides demonstrations
3240 15th Street South, Suite B
Fargo, ND 58104

PACER Center - Simon Technology Center

Provides demonstrations
8161 Normandale Blvd
Minneapolis, MN 55437
952-838-0190 (TTY)

Regional Assistive Technology Center

Provides demonstrations
1104 7th Ave. S
Murray Hall, Moorhead State University
Moorhead, MN 56563

Saint Cloud State University

Provides demonstrations
720 4th Avenue South
C/O Baumann Spooner-Brown Hall 111E
Saint Cloud, MN 56301

Southeastern Minnesota Center for Independent Living (SEMCIL)

Provides demonstrations
2200 Second Street SW
Rochester, MN 55902

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