Friday Forums
An opportunity to learn and discuss the topics facing Minnesota’s startup community. We know many of you have questions, ideas and concerns regarding your business or organization. Launch Minnesota is bringing together individuals from the public and private sector to answer questions and provide support to our startup community.
We will host monthly calls on the 4th Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. The sessions will kick off with subject matter experts and updates, but time will be reserved for questions and discussion.
Upcoming Friday Forum Session
Past Session Topics
- January 26 - Crowdfunding
- February 23 - MN Cup
- March 22 - Exploring Venture Capital
- April 26 - Founders Panel
- May 24 - Resources for Early-Stage Businesses
- June 28 - Engaging with Corporate Venture Capital
- July 26 - Innovation in Food and Agriculture
- August 23
- September 27 - Government Resources for International Business Development
- October 25 - Opportunities for Clean Energy Startups
- No meetings November or December
- January 27 - Preparing for an Accelerator
- February 24 - MN Cup
- March 24 - Pitching Venture Capital Firms
- April 28 - Artificial Intelligence
- May 26 - Small Business Legislative Update with DEED
- June 23 - Entrepreneurship With Mayo Clinic
- July 28 - MNSBIR
- August 25 - SSBCI
- September 22 - Startup Founder AMA
- October 27 - Minnesota Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)
- No meetings November or December
- January 28 – Free Tools for Entrepreneurs
- February 25 - MN Cup Competition
- March 25 - Polishing Your Pitch
- April 22 - Funding Resources
- May 27 - What is Web3?
- June 24 - Meet the Launch Minnesota Network
- July 22 - LegalCORPS
- September 23 - Blockchain
- October 28 - Clean Tech
- No meetings November or December
- January 22 - Kicking off 2021
- February 26 - MN Cup Competition
- March 26 - Health and Ag Tech Startup Resources
- April 23 - Social Impact and Entrepreneurship
- May 28 - When Startups Should Seek Legal Advice
- June 25 - Building a Regional Ecosystem
- July 23 - Minnesota SBIR/STTR Accelerator
- August 27 - Ask the Launch MN Board Anything
- September 24 - TCSW How our State Serves Startups
- October 22 - Internships for Startups (SciTech Program and E1 Collaborative)
- No meetings November and December