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How to use this website

Disability Minnesota has gathered together hundreds of links to pages on State websites related to disabilities and aging. Use the top navigation bar to select a retrieval tool:

  • Disability Topics provides browsable topic categories for drilling down to the desired topic area.
  • A-Z Index is an alphabetical listing of all topics.
  • State Agencies displays all pages on the website from a specific agency, board, council, or division.
  • Search allows full-text searching of the topics, titles, and link descriptions.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services With the right kind of training, preparation and work place accommodations, people with disabilities can have rewarding careers.  If you have a disability, DEED's Vocational Rehabilitation Services unit can help you prepare for, find and keep a job, and live as independently as possible. Last Modified: 1/1/0001 Size: 0 Author: Categories: Employment and Economic Development Department, Workforce Center System, Tags: Employment, Job training,
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