Note: Select files, particularly maps and photo simulations, are relatively large and may take some time to download. Files larger than 5 megabytes (MB) are indicated below.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Text
- Abstract
- Table of Contents
- Summary
- Section 1 - Introduction
- Section 2 - Regulatory Framework
- Section 3 - Overview of Project and Alternative Routes and Sites
- Section 4 - Alternatives to the Proposed Project
- Section 5 - Affected Environment, Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures
- Section 6 - Impacts and Mitigation Measures for Specific Regions / Segments
- Part 1 - Lakefield to Huntley Segment
- Part 2 - Resource Maps (9.2 MB)
- Part 3 - Resource Maps (7.3 MB)
- Part 4 - Resource Maps (8.3 MB)
- Part 5 - Huntley to Iowa Border Segment
- Part 6 - Resource Maps (6.2 MB)
- Part 1 - Lakefield to Huntley Segment
- Section 7 - Relative Merits of Routing Options
- Section 8 - References
- Appendix A - Scoping Decision (5.7 MB)
- Appendix B - Generic Route Permit Template and Example Route Permit
- Appendix C - Transmission Line Structures
- Appendix D - Photo Simulations
- Appendix E - Example Agricultural Impact Mitigation Plan
- Appendix F - Noise Supplement
- Appendix G - Property Values Supplement
- Appendix H - EMF Supplement
- Appendix I - Archaeological and Historic Resources Data
- Appendix J - Route Analysis Data Tables
- Appendix K - Rare Resources and Rare Species
- Appendix L - Map Book
- Overview Map
- Part 1, Map Sheets LH1 to LH19 (7.3 MB)
- Part 2, Map Sheets LH20 to LH44 (8.6 MB)
- Part 3, Map Sheets LH45 to LH57; HI1 to HI12 (7.7 MB)