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Present to the Board

Requests to place items on the Board agenda must be made in writing to the Executive Secretary of the Board at least 10 calendar days prior to the start of the meeting.

 Your request should include the following information:

  • a brief written summary of the information to be presented; 
  • copies of any documents or printed materials you will be providing to the Board;
  • the name(s) of the presenter(s); 
  • an estimate of the time required to present your information. 

At the meeting:

  • The Board chair retains discretion to decline a request. This may happen if an individual, group, or organization has previously appeared before the Board regarding the same matter or the topic is typically heard in closed session such as specifics regarding complaints or the disciplinary activities.
  • The Board chair will recognize each speaker in turn and maintain order. The Board chair may impose time limits to each speaker and/or limit comment by other Board members or Board staff.
  • Presenters shall identify themselves for the record and state any relevant title or organizational affiliations, identify the topic to be addressed, and any personal or business interest in the subject matter.
  •  Items may be referred for later response by the Board or heard as information only with no response or action by the Board at the discretion of the Board.
    This process  applies to requests to present a topic, information, or barber school application to the Board.
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