All Minnesota Barber Permits, Certificates, Registrations (Licenses) expire annually. Practicing barbering with an expired registration is considered barbering without a license. If a barber registration is not renewed within four years of expiration, it is required that the barber take the barber board examination to reinstate the registration. To renew within the four year period, you will be required to pay the restoration fees for each year the certificate was expired. Please contact the office for correct fees regarding your reinstatement.
A registration that is suspended due to Child Support or Department of Revenue Order is not renewable until the suspension is cleared by order of the Board. Practicing barbering while the registration is suspended is considered barbering without a license. If the registration is expired during the period of suspension, when the order to reinstate is issued, all registration requirements including payment of reinstatement fees or examination will apply. If a barber registration is not renewed within four years of expiration, it is required that the barber take the registered barber board examination to reinstate. To renew within the four year period you will be required to pay the restoration fees for each year the certificate was expired. Please contact the office for correct fees regarding your reinstatement.
If the registration has been suspended or terminated as a result of disciplinary action by the Board, actions necessary to reinstate will be specified as part of the final disciplinary order and all registration requirements will apply.
The board shall impose and collect the following penalties:
(1) missing or lapsed shop registration discovered upon inspection; penalty imposed
on shop owner: up to $500;
(2) unlicensed or unregistered registered barber, first occurrence
discovered upon inspection; penalty imposed on shop owner and unlicensed or
unregistered individual: up to $500; and
(3) unlicensed or unregistered barber, second occurrence
discovered upon inspection; penalty imposed on shop owner and unlicensed or
unregistered individual: up tp $1,000.
(a) The board may impose a civil penalty of up to $2,000 per violation on a person who violates a statute, rule, or order that the board has adopted or issued or is empowered to enforce.