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How to upload a video to Flip

  • Log in below with your Microsoft, Apple, or Google information (e.g. your Gmail address). You'll need to have your password on hand.  
  • Download the Flip app onto your device. You may need to input your password for the Apple Store, Google Store, or wherever you download applications. 
  • Once you are in the app, click "Join a Group" and input the Join Code.
  • If you need any support recording and posting the video, see this Help page: Record and post a video – Flip Help Center

If you are having trouble uploading to Flip

Simply record the video on your device, email it to our Consumer Affairs Office and they will upload it for you!

What to include in your video comment

  • Your name and how to spell it - "My name is Jane Doe, and it's spelled J-A-N-E D-O-E." 
  • Your feedback on the docket (see our comment guide with comment tips)

Additional assistance


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