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Otter Tail to Wilkin Carbon Dioxide Pipeline


Summit Carbon Solution, LLC, (Summit) filed a pipeline routing permit application with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to construct approximately 28.1 miles of 4.5-inch outside diameter carbon steel pipeline. The pipeline will transport captured carbon dioxide (CO2) from the Green Plains Ethanol Plant located near the city of Fergus Falls in Otter Tail County to the North Dakota and Minnesota border south of Breckenridge in Wilkin County. The pipeline continues into North Dakota where the CO2 will be sequestered underground in permitted saline formations using Class VI injection wells. The proposed project also includes:

  • Pipeline inspection tool launcher located at the Green Plains Ethanol Plant

  • Four mainline valves and an impressed current cathodic protection system within the pipeline permanent right-of-way

  • Temporary and permanent access roads

Summit is requesting a route width of 500 feet for most of the project. Following construction and restoration, the permanent right-of-way would be 25 to 50 feet wide centered over the pipeline.

Interactive project map.

Learn more about the Commission's pipeline  route permit process

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Throughout the permitting process there are multiple points for the public to get involved. 

  • Public meetings and hearings where you can attend and learn more about a project, ask questions of agency or company staff, and make a statement about the project for the record. 

  • Open comment periods where you can provide a comment and submit it into the record.

Visit our public participation webpage to learn about how to get involved in the permitting processes.

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