1 marketresponseinternational project :: 1954 april 1 :: 2009 (photo of client product or concept, or related graphic) Information Technology Customer Research Study 2009 Quantitative Survey Research Final Report prepared for: Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities prepared by: marketresponseinternational 2 table of contents 1:: project overview… 3 2:: executive summary … 9 3:: detailed findings. . . 13 access to technology… 15 technology use… 23 state government websites… 31 perception of technology impacts… 36 attitudinal segmentation analysis… 41 conclusions… 48 4:: appendix… 51 Preparation of this report was financed in part by grant number G0701MNBS24 from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, under Public Law 106-402. Content of this report does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities or the Minnesota Department of Administration. 3 1:: project overview 4 project overview Adoption/Use of Information Technology The Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities commissioned a survey to obtain measures of information technology adoption and use among Minnesota households that include people with developmental disabilities compared to the general population in the state of Minnesota. This study was designed to answer three major questions: Compared to the general population of Minnesota, do households with people with disabilities… 1. Have equal access to information technologies? 2. Use information technologies in the same ways, for the same purposes? 3. Perceive the same benefits from their use of information technologies? The results of this study will help guide the Council in making decisions about funding to assure the continued relevance of Council information, education, and training products and services (the Council’s business). 5 origin of respondent sample = 382 total Respondents from random dial = 257n Random 60% Respondents from lists and referrals = 125n From Lists 40% Respondent households with All Disabilities = 182n, 31% from random sources and 69% from lists and referrals. With disabilities 22% Without disabilities 78% Respondent households with Developmental Disabilities = 136n, 18% from random sources and 82% from lists. With other disabilities 11% With DD 89% 6 telephone survey process details Pyramid Diagram 6% 382 calls = surveys completed 382 completed surveys 26% 900+ = call backs & others 250+ calls = refused survey 355 calls = over quota 1,625 calls 70% 233 calls = busy 95 calls = unavailable 630 calls = number not in service or problem 1,100 calls = no answer 2,696 calls = answer machine only 4,754 call attempts 100% = 6,771 call attempts made to complete 382 telephone surveys 7 households with members with disabilities (Random Base = 257) Does anyone in your household have a physical or mental disability? (QC) Yes 22% No 78% When did this disability occur? (QE) (Random Base = 57) At birth 26% Before age 21 18% After age 21 54% DK 2% DK = Don’t know Survey respondents included households with and without people with disabilities. 22% of respondents have persons with a physical or mental disability in their households; 44% of the “disability households” were classified as developmental disabilities. 8 four different household respondent groups analyzed Radial Diagram: Four Groups Analyzed General Population Ave. age = 47 (n = 200) Developmental Disabilities – Random Sample Ave. age = 52 (n = 25) Developmental Disabilities – Not Random Ave. age = 44 (n = 111) Other Disability Ave. age = 61 (n = 46) 9 2:: executive summary 10 :: executive summary Information Technology Customer Research Study 2009 Executive Summary The Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities commissioned a survey to obtain measures of information technology adoption and use among households that include people with developmental disabilities compared to the general population in the state of Minnesota. The survey was conducted by telephone and obtained representative samples of households across the state of Minnesota. Key findings from the research were as follows: • Two-thirds of Minnesota households have a computer with broadband Internet access; an additional 13% have dial-up Internet. • Households where there are persons with developmental disabilities appear to have equal access to computers and the Internet, as compared to the general population of Minnesotans. • Households where there are persons with other disabilities are less likely to own a computer and have broadband Internet access. Residents of these “other disability households” were older, on average, than all other Minnesota households, and age was negatively correlated with technology adoption. • Residents living in rural areas were different with respect to computer ownership and Internet access; 11 :: executive summary Information Technology Customer Research Study 2009 continued • Some households where there are persons with developmental disabilities use their information technology differently than the general population: – More frequent daily use of their computers – More likely to access to government websites – The technology is used more for o Entertainment purposes o Community information / involvement o Internet protocol communications o Learning / online classes o Lobbying / communicating with elected officials • Although their use of government websites is higher, households where there are persons with developmental disabilities rate some attributes of government websites lower than the general population. For example, they were less likely to agree that: Font sizes are large enough, and web pages are designed in a way that makes them easy to read. Search function recognizes common language, and I can find what I need using this search function. Website forms are accessible and easy to use, the formats are familiar and they don’t ask for unnecessary information. 12 :: executive summary Information Technology Customer Research Study 2009 continued • On most other attributes households with persons with developmental disabilities rated government websites equal to or higher than the general population rated them. • Compared to the general population, households where there are persons with developmental disabilities tend to use technology more for creative self expression and to enhance inclusion in community activities. – They also expressed more interest in keeping up with the latest technologies and learning more about the ways in which technology devices can help them live better. • Not all households with persons with developmental disabilities are as far along or sophisticated with their use of information technologies. There appears to be a segment within this population that benefits more from their use of information technologies, and thus there is an opportunity for technology training and information sharing within the population of people with disabilities, to raise the general level of technology use and thereby enhance the lives of more people with disabilities. 13 3:: detailed findings 14 major research questions Compared to the general population of Minnesotans, do households with people with developmental disabilities… 1. Have equal access to information technologies and services? 15 access to information technology – computers Is there a working computer in your household? (Q1) (Base = 257) No 14% Yes 86% Do you, or does anyone in your household, have access to a computer either at work, at school or at a public library or community center? (Q2) (Base = 35) Yes, 31% No, 69% How many of each of the following types of computers are in your household? Percent having 1 or more (Q3) (Base = 222) Stationary desktop computer 86% Laptop computer 57% Note book PC 5% How long has there been a working computer in your household? (Q4) (Base = 222) More than 10 years 49% 6 to 10 yrs 32% 3 to 5 yrs 14% Less than 3 yrs 5% Most Minnesotans (86%) have working computers in their household today; about 10% do not own or have access to any computer. The computer most respondents have at home is a stationary desktop. 16 access to technology – computers and Internet Total Random Sample(n = 257) Do Not have a computer 14% Have a computer, but no Internet 5% Have a computer, with dial-up Internet 13% Have a computer, with broadband Internet 66% General Population(n = 200) Do Not have a computer 13% Have a computer, but no Internet 3% Have a computer, with dial-up Internet 13% Have a computer, with broadband Internet 70% Developmental Disabilities Samples Total(n = 136) Do Not have a computer 6% Have a computer, but no Internet 4% Have a computer, with dial-up Internet 7%* Have a computer, with broadband Internet 79%* Developmental Disabilities Samples Random(n=25) Do Not have a computer 4%* Have a computer, but no Internet 12% Have a computer, with dial-up Internet 8% Have a computer, with broadband Internet 72% Developmental Disabilities Samples Not Random(n=111) Do Not have a computer 6% Have a computer, but no Internet 3% Have a computer, with dial-up Internet 6% Have a computer, with broadband Internet 80% Other Disability(n=46) Do Not have a computer 22% Have a computer, but no Internet 13%* Have a computer, with dial-up Internet 13% Have a computer, with broadband Internet 50%* *Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. These findings do not provide any evidence that households with people with developmental disabilities have less access to computers and the Internet than the general population of Minnesotans. 17 access to technology – computers and Internet Where respondents live by computer and access options Large City 68% Broadband 12% Dial-up 4% No Internet 16% No Computer Suburb 77% Broadband * 9% Dial-up 5% No Internet 8% No Computer * Small City 69% Broadband 17% Dial-up 2% No Internet 12% No Computer Small Town 65% Broadband 15% Dial-up 5% No Computer 15% No Internet Rural Broadband 34% * Dial-up 30% No Internet 9% No Computer 27% * *Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level Respondents living in rural areas are different in their computer ownership and Internet access. More than 1/4 do not have a computer. If they own a computer, about 1/3 of people in rural areas are using dial-up, more than people in other areas. 18 access to technology – computers For how long has there been a working computer in your household? (Q4) Total Random Sample (n = 222) More than 10yrs. 49% 6 to 10 yrs. 32% 1 to 5 yrs. 16% Less than 1 yr. 4% General Population (n=175) More than 10yrs. 48% 6 to 10 yrs. 34% 1 to 5 yrs. 15% Less than 1 yr. 3% Developmental Disabilities Samples Total(n=128) More than 10yrs. 55% 6 to 10 yrs. 26% 1 to 5 yrs. 18% Less than 1 yr. 2% Developmental Disabilities Samples Random(n=24) More than 10yrs. 71% 6 to 10 yrs. 13% 1 to 5 yrs. 17% Less than 1 yr. -- Developmental Disabilities Samples Not Random (n=104) More than 10yrs. 51% 6 to 10 yrs. 29% 1 to 5 yrs. 18% Less than 1 yr. 2% Other Disability (n=36) More than 10yrs. 39% 6 to 10 yrs. 36% 1 to 5 yrs. 17% Less than 1 yr. 8% * Denotes statistically significant differences with the general population proportions, at the 90% confidence level. It appears that households with households with people with developmental disabilities have had computers for at least as long as the general population of Minnesota households. 19 access to technology – other devices and services Total Random Sample (n = 257) A cell phone 88% A smart mobile device (iPhone, MP3 player, BlackBerry, etc.) 28% A GPS (Global Positioning System), typically used in an automobile 28% Digital cable or satellite television service 79% Current video game system, such as Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, etc. 44% General Population(n = 200) A cell phone 91% A smart mobile device (iPhone, MP3 player, BlackBerry, etc.) 31% A GPS (Global Positioning System), typically used in an automobile 29% Digital cable or satellite television service 79% Current video game system, such as Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, etc. 44% Developmental Disabilities Samples Total(n = 136) A cell phone 93% A smart mobile device (iPhone, MP3 player, BlackBerry, etc.) 36% A GPS (Global Positioning System), typically used in an automobile 27% Digital cable or satellite television service 77% Current video game system, such as Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, etc. 56% * Developmental Disabilities Samples Random(n=25) A cell phone 84% A smart mobile device (iPhone, MP3 player, BlackBerry, etc.) 28% A GPS (Global Positioning System), typically used in an automobile 40% Digital cable or satellite television service 80% Current video game system, such as Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, etc. 64% * Developmental Disabilities Samples Not Random(n=111) A cell phone 96% A smart mobile device (iPhone, MP3 player, BlackBerry, etc.) 38% A GPS (Global Positioning System), typically used in an automobile 24% Digital cable or satellite television service 76% Current video game system, such as Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, etc. 54% Other Disability (n=46) A cell phone 76%* A smart mobile device (iPhone, MP3 player, BlackBerry, etc.)13%* A GPS (Global Positioning System), typically used in an automobile 15%* Digital cable or satellite television service 74% Current video game system, such as Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, etc. 22%* * Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. These findings do not provide any evidence that people with developmental disabilities have less access to these other technology devices and services than the general population of Minnesotans. 20 total spending on technology products Approximately how much money would you say your household spent last year, 2008, on technology products, including computers, cell phones, smart mobile devices, GPS devices, video gaming systems, etc? Would you say… (Q16) General Population (n = 200) Less than $100 23% $100 to $499 33% $500 to $999 19% $1,000 to $2,999 16% $3,000 5% Dev. Disabilities, All Samples (n = 136) Less than $100 18% $100 to $499 22% * $500 to $999 21% $1,000 to $2,999 29% * $3,000 7% Other Disabilities, All Samples (n = 46) Less than $100 39% $100 to $499 37% $500 to $999 7% $1,000 to $2,999 11% $3,000 4% *Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. Households with persons with developmental disabilities spent as much or more on technology products in 2008, as compared to the general population households. Households with persons with other disabilities spent the least. 21 conclusions Compared to the general population of Minnesotans, do households with people with developmental disabilities… 1. Have equal access to information technologies and services? Yes! Same level of household computer ownership and broadband Internet access Same or higher ownership levels of other technology devices and services Spent as much or more on technology products in 2008 22 major research questions Compared to the general population of Minnesotans, do households with people with developmental disabilities… 2. Use information technologies in the same way, for the same purposes? 23 use of technology – frequency of computer use How often is a computer used, in total, by persons in your household? (Q7) (Asked of those with computers in household, random sample n = 233) % who use the computer “multiple times daily” Developmental Disabilities - Random (n=25) 84% Developmental Disabilities - NotRandom (n=111) 81% General Population(n =200) 68% Other Disability(n=46) 59% Higher percents of both of the developmental disabilities respondent groups use their computers multiple times daily. 24 - 25 computer use (Q8) How often are you… Random Sample Responses (n = 233) Sending and receiving emails Never do it 8% Multiple times daily 57% Accessing and researching information over the Internet Never do it 6% Multiple times daily 39% *Entertainment, such as downloading and listening to music or video content, playing computer games, etc. Never do it 28% Multiple times daily 24% Participating in chats/blogs/forums or social networking websites, such as MySpace, Facebook, etc. Never do it 53% Multiple times daily 21% Managing a schedule, calendar Never do it 66% Multiple times daily 13% Internet banking, bill paying, money management Never do it 31% Multiple times daily 10% * Involvement in civic activities, including community neighborhood meetings, local news and information sharing, etc. Never do it 46% Multiple times daily 9% Find work Never do it 61% Multiple times daily 6% Managing and sharing photos Never do it 25% Multiple times daily 4% Taking pictures or recording video Never do it 59% Multiple times daily 4% * Voice and video IP communications (i.e. Skype) Never do it 82% Multiple times daily 3% * Taking on-line classes Never do it 80% Multiple times daily 3% Shopping, purchasing items over the Internet Never do it 27% Multiple times daily 1% * Lobbying or communicating with elected officials Never do it 76% Multiple times daily Households with persons with developmental disabilities reported different levels of computer use (vs. the general population) on five* of the fourteen activities shown above. (Reported next.) 26 computer use (Q8) How often are you using a computer for… Entertainment, such as downloading and listening to music or video content, playing computer games, etc. General Population (n = 182) Never do it 28% Multiple times daily 21% Once or more weekly 37% Developmental Disabilities All samples ( n = 132) Never do it 14% Multiple times daily 33% Once or more weekly 46% Other Disabilities All samples ( n = 39) Never do it Multiple times daily Once or more weekly Households with people with developmental disabilities spend more time using technology for entertainment purposes. 27 computer use (Q8) How often are you using a computer for… Involvement in civic activities, including community neighborhood meetings, local news and information sharing, etc. General Population (n = 182) Never do it 45% Multiple times daily 9% Once or more weekly 29% Developmental Disabilities All samples ( n = 132) Never do it 33% Multiple times daily 17% Once or more weekly 30% Other Disabilities All samples ( n = 39) Never do it 44% Multiple times daily 8% Once or more weekly 18% In households with people with developmental disabilities technology helps them be more aware and involved in their local communities. 28 computer use (Q8) How often are you using a computer for… Voice and video IP communications (i.e. Skype) General Population (n = 182) Never do it 82% Multiple times daily 7% Once or more weekly 11% Developmental Disabilities All samples ( n = 132) Never do it 65% Multiple times daily 10% Once or more weekly 13% Other Disabilities All samples ( n = 39) Never do it 90% Multiple times daily 5% Once or more weekly 5% Households with people with developmental disabilities tend to use voice and video IP communications more frequently. 29 computer use (Q8) How often are you using a computer for… Taking on-line classes. General Population (n = 182) Never do it 82% Multiple times daily 6% Once or more weekly 8% Developmental Disabilities All samples ( n = 132) Never do it 71% Multiple times daily 7% Once or more weekly 7% Other Disabilities All samples ( n = 39) Never do it 77% Multiple times daily 10% Once or more weekly 10% Although the absolute proportions are not high, households with people with developmental disabilities appear more likely to use technology for taking on-line classes. 30 computer use (Q8) How often are you using a computer for… Lobbying or communicating with elected officials General Population (n = 182) Never do it 79% Multiple times daily 0% Once or more weekly 6% Developmental Disabilities All samples ( n = 132) Never do it 39% Multiple times daily 5% Once or more weekly 17% Other Disabilities All samples ( n = 39) Never do it 56% Multiple times daily 0% Once or more weekly 5% In households with people with developmental disabilities, technology appears to be a more important means for communicating with elected officials. 31 use of state government websites by groups Have your ever accessed any state government websites in order to find information about services and resources? (Q21) General Population (n =200) No 50% Yes 50% Developmental Disabilities (n = 136) Yes 63% No 37% Other Disabilities (n = 46) Yes 35% No 65% Within Developmental Disabilities Group: Yes for random sample = 40% Yes for non-random sample = 69% Use of government websites is higher in households with people with developmental disabilities. 32 details on use of state government websites Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement about state government websites. (Q22) Percent “agree somewhat” or “agree strongly” Font sizes are large enough, and web pages are designed in a way that makes them easy to read. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 71% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 87% Difference DD-GP -16%* Search function recognizes common language and I can find what I need using the search function. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 67% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 77% Difference DD-GP -10%* Web site forms are accessible and easy to use, the formats are familiar and they don’t ask for unnecessary information Dev. Dis.(n=136) 61% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 70% Difference DD-GP -9% Color contrast and color choice are good. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 73% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 80% Difference DD-GP -7% I can easily find the links a the page, and the links tell me exactly what I’ll find at that site. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 66% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 72% Difference DD-GP -6% The web content is easy to understand, terms are clearly explained. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 79% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 82% Difference DD-GP -3% Websites are accessible to visitors who use screen readers. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 17% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 20% Difference DD-GP -3% All contact information is current and easy to find, phone numbers and physical mailing addresses are included. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 67% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 70% Difference DD-GP -3% I can easily find what I’m looking for at the State of Minnesota web sites. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 69% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 72% Difference DD-GP -3% * Difference between Developmental Disability and General Population samples is statistically significant at 90% confidence level. Although their use of state government websites is higher, households with people with developmental disabilities rate some attributes of government websites lower than the general population. 33 details on use of state government websites Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement about state government websites. (Q22) Percent “agree somewhat” or “agree strongly” I can download easily Dev. Dis.(n=136) 77% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 68% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. +9% The home page and section pages are not overly cluttered Dev. Dis.(n=136) 69% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 63% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. +6% Page layouts are flexible for different types of computers. I can print out everything I see on the screen. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 69% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 65% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. +4% I can download quickly Dev. Dis.(n=136) 73% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 72% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. +1% I can easily enlarge photos for a close up view, the enlarge photo button works and I can see a big photo if I use this option Dev. Dis.(n=136) 44% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 43% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. +1% On some attributes, households with people with developmental disabilities rated government websites higher than the general population rated them. 34 conclusions Compared to the general population of Minnesota, do households with people with developmental disabilities… 2. Use information technologies in the same way, for the same purposes? Not Entirely! More frequent use of computers Access government websites more Technology is used more for: – entertainment – community information / involvement – IP communications – learning / online classes – lobbying / communicating with elected officials 35 major research questions Compared to the general population of Minnesotans, do households with people with developmental disabilities… 3. Perceive the same benefits from their use of information technologies? 36 households’ technology perceptions Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement about information technology. (Q19) Percent “agree somewhat” or “agree strongly” I would like to learn more about the ways in which technology devices could help us live better. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 79% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 48% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 31%* I believe we would be better off if new technology devices were more accessible to us. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 74% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 52% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 22%* Compared to most other households, we are more interested in keeping up with the latest technologies. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 49% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 35% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 14%* We would use technology a lot more than we do now if it were more affordable. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 76% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 64% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 12% I believe technology has helped us to be more socially connected. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 70% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 70% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 0% Our family is more connected to each other because of our use of technology. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 65% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 64% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 1% It seems that other people are using more technology products than we are. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 63% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 62% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 1% Compared to most other households, we are usually one of the first to try new technology devices. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 26% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 20% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 6% * Difference between Developmental Disability and General Population samples is statistically significant at 90% confidence level. Although their access and use of technology products is at least equivalent to that of the general population, households with people with developmental disabilities have a stronger desire to have more of the latest technologies and learn more about how technology devices can improve their lives. 37 perceptions of technology impacts on households with individuals with developmental disabilities Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement about information technology. (Q20) Percent “agree somewhat” or “agree strongly” Technology helps me to be more independent and self sufficient. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 80% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 77% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 3% Technology helps me to be more productive. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 75% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 76% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. -1% I use technology to express myself and my own creativity. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 74% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 58% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 16% I am more included in community activities because of my access to, and use of technology. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 61% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 44% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 17% Technology helps keep me safe, because I’m always connected to someone who can assist me. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 60% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 58% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. 2% * Difference between Developmental Disability and General Population samples is statistically significant at 90% confidence level. All respondents tend to believe technology enhances independence and productivity. People with developmental disabilities are more likely to believe technology enhances their inclusion in the community, and provides a way for them to express their own creativity. 38 perceptions of technology impacts on households with individuals with developmental disabilities Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement about information technology. (Q20) Percent “agree somewhat” or “agree strongly” I use technology to stay in touch with family and or friends. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 68% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 90% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. -22% I use technology for instant access to any information I need or want. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 70% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 89% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. -19% I use technology to help me stay informed about what’s happening in the world. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 61% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 77% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. -16% I use technology to help me stay more informed about what’s happening in my community. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 54% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 64% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. -10% I use technology to help me get to places without getting lost. Dev. Dis.(n=136) 36% Gen. Pop.(n=200) 64% Difference Dev. Dis. - Gen. Pop. -28% * Difference between Developmental Disability and General Population samples is statistically significant at 90% confidence level. Households with people with developmental disabilities are less likely than the general population to use technology to stay informed and in touch with other people, or to use it to keep from getting lost. 39 perceptions of technology impacts on households with people with developmental disabilities Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement about information technology. (Q20) Percent “agree somewhat” or “agree strongly” Technology plays a vital role in helping me live with my disability. Developmental Disabilities Samples Random(n = 25) 48% Developmental Disabilities Samples Non-Random(n = 111) 76% Developmental Disabilities Samples Difference Random/Non-Random -28%* Technology helps me to be my own advocate. Developmental Disabilities Samples Random(n = 25) 48% Developmental Disabilities Samples Non-Random(n = 111) 69% Developmental Disabilities Samples Difference Random/Non-Random -21%* I use technology devices which have been adapted to meet my specific needs. Developmental Disabilities Samples Random(n = 25) 32% Developmental Disabilities Samples Non-Random(n = 111) 64% Developmental Disabilities Samples Difference Random/Non-Random -32%* I use the Internet to obtain information about my disability. Developmental Disabilities Samples Random(n = 25) 36% Developmental Disabilities Samples Non-Random(n = 111) 46% Developmental Disabilities Samples Difference Random/Non-Random -10% * Difference between random and non-random samples is statistically significant at 90% confidence level. The non-random sample of households with people with developmental disabilities are clearly more active users than the random sample of households and they rely more on technology to manage their disabilities. 40 conclusions Compared to the general population of Minnesota, do households with people with developmental disabilities… 3. Perceive the same benefits from their use of information technologies? Not Entirely More interested in having the latest technologies More interested in learning more about how technology devices can improve their lives However… Not all households with people with developmental disabilities are as far along or sophisticated with their use of technology as some are. There may be an opportunity for technology training and information sharing within households with people with developmental disabilities. 41 attitudinal segmentation analysis The survey questionnaire included several statements reflecting a variety of attitudes related to the use and interest in information technologies. The respondents indicated the degree to which they agreed or disagreed with each statement using this scale: Agree strongly 5 Agree somewhat 4 Neither agree nor disagree 3 Disagree somewhat 2 Disagree strongly 1 A multivariate statistical analysis procedure was used to group like-minded people together based on consistency of answers across the statements. This analysis included all survey respondents together, households of people with and households of people without disabilities, to provide another comparative look at these various populations. Four different attitudinal segments were thus identified: 1) Technology Savvy 2) Mainstream Technology Users 3) Technology Seekers 4) Technology Laggards 42 attitudinal segmentation analysis The four attitudinal segments will be displayed within the 2-dimensional motivational map: Expand Maintain Social Bonding Independence The vertical axis differentiates those who wish to expand their understanding and use of technologies, from those more satisfied with maintaining their status quo. The horizontal axis differentiates those who are motivated by the need to bond with other people and social groups, from those who seek a feeling of independence. 43 attitudinal segmentation analysis The four attitudinal segments are displayed within the 2-dimensional motivational map: Expand Maintain Social Bonding Independence Technology Seekers • 16% of MN households • Technology enables independence and self-sufficiency, • Personal expression and creativity • They desire to learn more • High proportion of people with developmental disabilities Technology Savvy • 30% of MN households • The early adopters • Heaviest users of computers and smart mobile devices • Helps them be informed, in touch and connected Technology Laggards • 17% of MN households • The oldest and least computerized and Internet connected segment • Technology seems not accessible, not affordable • High proportion of people with other disabilities Mainstream Technology Users • 38% of MN households • Technology enables social bonding • Helps them be connected, informed and included • Satisfied with current use; least interested in new technology 44 attitudinal segment: technology savvy Technology Savvy (30% of MN Households) They are the lead users of information technologies, and they know it. This group had the highest penetration of home computers with broadband connectivity, and they’ve owned their computers for the longest time. For the Tech-Savvy group the prime benefit of technology is that it provides instant access to any information they need, and helps them to be more informed, in touch and connected with other people. They are the heaviest users of their home computers and they are twice as likely as all other segments to own a smart mobile device, such as an iPhone or BlackBerry. People with developmental disabilities are proportionately under-represented in this segment. Gen'l pop 66% DD - list 22% DD - random 6% Other disability 6% Expand/Social Bonding Average age = 46 84% have a computer with broadband Internet access – highest of all segments 72% have owned a computer for more than 10 years – highest of all segments 51% have a smart mobile device –highest of all segments 41% spent more than $1,000 on technology in 2008 – highest of all segments 57% are employed full time – higher than others 54% had annual household income over $75,000, highest of all segments 45 attitudinal segment – mainstream technology users Mainstream Technology Users (38% of MN Households) For the Mainstream Technology Users, technology is all about social bonding. They perceive technology as enabling them to be more connected, informed and included in their communities. They are also most likely to believe that technology enables them to have deeper and more meaningful relationships with other people. However, the Mainstream Technology Users expressed the least interest in keeping up with the latest technologies, or making the effort to learn more about it. Most of the Mainstream Technology Users own a household computer with broadband connectivity to the Internet, and they appear to take it for granted. People with developmental disabilities are proportionately under-represented in this segment. Gen'l pop 68% DD - list 19% DD - random 3% Other disability 10% Maintain/Social Bonding Average age = 47 70% have a computer with broadband Internet access 43% have owned a computer for more than 10 years – a relatively low level 24% have a smart mobile device – a low level 23% spent more than $1,000 on technology in 2008 – a relatively low level 47% are employed full time 27% had annual household income over $75,000 - a moderate level 46 attitudinal segment – technology seekers Technology Seekers (16% of MN Households) While most Technology Seekers own a household computer with broadband connectivity to the Internet, they do not see themselves as early adopters. It’s not the technology itself that’s interesting to this group, it’s what technology can do for them. Technology has helped them to be more independent and self-sufficient; and more than any other group, they use technology to express themselves and their own creativity. More than any other group, the Technology Seekers want to learn more about the ways in which technology can help them live better. People with developmental disabilities who participated in this survey from the non-random “list” are proportionately over- represented in this segment. Gen'l pop 33% DD - list 46% DD - random 8% Other disability 13% Independence/Expand Average age = 47 70% have a computer with broadband Internet access 37% have owned a computer for more than 10 years – lowest of all segments 24% have a smart mobile device – a low level 20% spent more than $1,000 on technology in 2008 –low end of all segments 44% are employed full time 15% had annual household income over $75,000, lowest of all segments 47 attitudinal segment – technology laggards Technology Laggards (17% of MN Households) The Technology Laggards are the oldest segment, least connected to the Internet, and least likely to own other technology devices. While technology has had some impact on their lives, there is some interest in learning more about it. However, this segment was the most likely to believe that new technology devices were not accessible or affordable to them. People with disabilities are proportionately over-represented in this segment. Gen'l pop 30% DD - list 37% Other disability 22% DD - random 11% Independence / Maintain Average age = 54 – oldest of all segments 55% have a computer with broadband Internet access – lowest of all segments 42% have owned a computer for more than 10 years – a relatively low level 22% have a smart mobile device – lowest of all segments 19% spent more than $1,000 on technology in 2008 – lowest of all segments 42% are employed full time – lowest of all segments 23% had annual household income over $75,000, low end of all segments 48 conclusions • Compared to the general population, households with people with developmental disabilities appear to have equal access to information technologies and services. - Households with people with other disabilities generally have less access, which may be related to age • However, households with people with disabilities don’t use these technologies in the same ways: – More frequent daily use – More access to government websites – Use more for entertainment, community information and involvement, etc. 49 conclusions • Not all households with people with disabilities are as far along or sophisticated with their use of technology. • Households with people with disabilities who are technology users… – Do not tend to be the earliest adopters – Do not tend to be similar to the mainstream general population – Tend to use technology more to enable independence, self sufficiency and personal creative expression 50 conclusions • There is also a segment of technology laggards among Minnesota households – The segment is relatively small (17% of MN households) – But, households with people with disabilities are proportionately over-represented in this segment. • There may be an opportunity for technology training and information sharing within the population of households with people with disabilities – Future exploratory research could be designed to further clarify and define that opportunity. 51 appendix 52 random dial sample compared to population Household Income: RDD Respondent Sample (Base)(n=207*) Less than $25,000 19 $25,000 - $49,999 27 $50,000 - $74,999 21 $75,000 - $99,999 15 $100,000 - $149,999 9 More than $150,000 9 Minnesota Population (Base)(N=5,167,000) Less than $25,000 22 $25,000 - $49,999 27 $50,000 - $74,999 22 $75,000 - $99,999 14 $100,000 - $149,999 12 More than $150,000 4 * 50 respondents who did not know or refused to answer the household income question, were not included in the base. Adult Age: RDD Respondent Sample(Base)(n=257) 18 - 24 11 25 - 34 10 35 - 44 23 45 - 54 17 55 - 64 23 65 - 74 9 75 and older 9 Minnesota Population(Base)(N=5,167,000) 18 - 24 13 25 - 34 17 35 - 44 19 45 - 54 20 55 - 64 14 65 - 74 8 75 and older 8 Race: RDD Respondent Sample(Base)(n=243*) White, Caucasian 96% Black or African American 2% Hispanic 1% Native American 0% Asian / Pacific Islander 0% Other 2% Minnesota Population(Base)(N=5,167,000) White, Caucasian 87% Black or African American 4% Hispanic 4% Native American 1% Asian / Pacific Islander 3% Other 0% * 14 respondents who did not know or refused to answer the race question, were not included in the base. The random digit dial (RDD) sample was employed in order to include Minnesota households with either listed or unlisted telephone numbers. The RDD sample was drawn in a way that reflects the distribution of Minnesotans across the state. The process of dialing randomly through this sample of phone numbers resulted in a survey sample profile that reflects the profile of the state population, as shown on this page. 53 age of respondents by group Total Random Sample (QB) (Base = 257) 15-19 yrs 3% 20-24 yrs 8% 25-34 yrs 10% 35-44 yrs 23% 45-54 yrs 17% 55-64 yrs 23% 65-74 yrs 9% 75+ yrs 9% Mean age: 49 General Population(n=200) 15-19 yrs 4% 20-24 yrs 9% 25-34 yrs 13% 35-44 yrs 25% 45-54 yrs 16% 55-64 yrs 20% 65-74 yrs 8% 75+ yrs 8% Mean age: 47 Developmental Disabilities Samples Total(n=136) 5-19 yrs 1% 20-24 yrs 6% 25-34 yrs 7% 35-44 yrs 27% 45-54 yrs 40% 55-64 yrs 15% 65-74 yrs 2% 75+ yrs 2% Mean age: 46 Developmental Disabilities Samples Random(n=25) 15-19 yrs - 20-24 yrs 8% 25-34 yrs - 35-44 yrs 16% 45-54 yrs 32% 55-64 yrs 32% 65-74 yrs 4% 75+ yrs 8% Mean age: 52 Not Random(n=111) 15-19 yrs 1% 20-24 yrs 5% 25-34 yrs 9% 35-44 yrs 30% 45-54 yrs 42% 55-64 yrs 11% 65-74 yrs 2% 75+ yrs - Mean age: 44 Other Disability(n=46) 15-19 yrs - 20-24 yrs - 25-34 yrs 2% 35-44 yrs 11% 45-54 yrs 13% 55-64 yrs 37% 65-74 yrs 20% 75+ yrs 17% Mean age: 61* * Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population mean, at the 90% or higher confidence level. 54 age of persons with disabilities (QH) All disabilities random sample (Base = 57) Under 7 yrs 2% 7-14 yrs 5% 15-19 yrs 12% 20-24 yrs 4% 25-34 yrs 7% 35-44 yrs 7% 45-54 yrs 11% 55-64 yrs 26% 65-74 yrs 9% 75+ yrs 18% Mean age: 49 Developmental Disabilities Samples Total (n=182) Under 7 yrs 7% 7-14 yrs 21% 15-19 yrs 13% 20-24 yrs 8% 25-34 yrs 7% 35-44 yrs 6% 45-54 yrs 10% 55-64 yrs 15% 65-74 yrs 6% 75+ yrs 7% Mean age: 46 Developmental Disabilities Samples Random(n=25) Under 7 yrs 4% 7-14 yrs 12% 15-19 yrs 24% 20-24 yrs 8% 25-34 yrs 12% 35-44 yrs 4% 45-54 yrs 12% 55-64 yrs 16% 65-74 yrs - 75+ yrs 8% Mean age: 34* Developmental Disabilities Samples Not Random(n=111) Under 7 yrs 10% 7-14 yrs 32% 15-19 yrs 15% 20-24 yrs 12% 25-34 yrs 8% 35-44 yrs 5% 45-54 yrs 9% 55-64 yrs 6% 65-74 yrs 2% 75+ yrs 1% Mean age: 23* Other Disability(n=46) Under 7 yrs - 7-14 yrs - 15-19 yrs 2% 20-24 yrs - 25-34 yrs 2% 35-44 yrs 9% 45-54 yrs 11% 55-64 yrs 37% 65-74 yrs 17% 75+ yrs 22% Mean age: 61* *Denotes statistically significant differences with other means, at the 90% or higher confidence level. 55 people with disabilities responding Are you the person with this disability or is it someone else in your household? (QG) (Base = 182) Someone else 63% Me 37% Person in the house-hold with disability: Developmental Disability Samples Total (n = 136) It’s me 24% It’s someone else 76% Developmental Disability Samples Random (n = 25) It’s me 32% It’s someone else 68% Developmental Disability Samples Not Random(n = 111) It’s me 22% It’s someone else 78% Developmental Disability Samples Other Disability(n =46) It’s me 76%* It’s someone else 24%* * Denotes statistically significant differences with other groups at the 90% confidence level. 56 nature of disabilities Which of the following statements best describes the nature of the disability? (QF) (Multiple responses were allowed) Developmental or other cognitive Disability All Disabilities: Total (n = 182) 14 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=25) 24 Not Random (n=111) 34 Other Disability (n=46) 9* Autism Spectrum Disorder All Disabilities: Total (n = 182) 9* Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=25) 20 Not Random (n=111) 26 Other Disability (n=46) - Cerebral Palsy All Disabilities: Total (n = 182) 5 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=25) 12 Not Random (n=111) 13 Other Disability( n=46) - Other neurological condition All Disabilities: Total (n = 182) 16 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=25) 12 Not Random (n=111) 13 Other Disability (n=46) 17 Blindness, deafness All Disabilities: Total (n = 182) 16 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=25) 20 Not Random (n=111) 10 Other Disability (n=46) 20 Other physical condition All Disabilities: Total (n = 182) 32 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=25) 12 Not Random (n=111) 11 Other Disability (n=46) 46* A Mental Illness All Disabilities: Total (n = 182) 14 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=25) 8 Not Random (n=111) 7 Other Disability (n=46) 13 Brain injury All Disabilities: Total (n = 182) 5 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=25) 4 Not Random (n=111) 7 Other Disability (n=46) 17* Epilepsy All Disabilities: Total (n = 182) 2 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=25) 4 Not Random (n=111) 5 Other Disability( n=46) - Other All Disabilities: Total (n = 182) 4 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=25) - Not Random (n=111) - Other Disability (n=46) 7 *Denotes statistically significant differences with other groups at the 90% confidence level. Note: Percents of disabilities reflected in this table are the result of self reporting from the individuals with disabilities or from other members of the households. 57 technology products respondent households would most like to purchase If money were not a factor, what technology product would you most like to purchase for your household over the next 12 months? (Q18) Computer / accessories(Detail on next page) Total Random Sample(n=257) 28% General Population: Total (n = 200) 29% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 46%* Random (n=25) 16% Not Random (n=111) 53%* Other Disability (n=46) 28% Television(HDTV, big screen, etc.) Total Random Sample (n=257) 21% General Population: Total (n = 200) 22% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 10%* Random (n=25) 20% Not Random (n=111) 8%* Other Disability (n=46) 15% Phone(iPhone, cell phone, etc.) Total Random Sample(n=257) 7% General Population: Total (n = 200) 9% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 4% Random (n=25) 4% Not Random (n=111) 5% Other Disability (n=46) 7% Games Total Random Sample(n=257) 7% General Population: Total (n = 200) 8% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 4% Random (n=25) 4% Not Random (n=111) 4% Other Disability (n=46) 7% Internet Service Total Random Sample(n=257) 5% General Population: Total (n = 200) 6% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 4% Random (n=25) - Not Random (n=111) 5% Other Disability (n=46) - Entertainment(iPod, Blueray, home theater, etc.) Total Random Sample(n=257) 4% General Population: Total (n = 200) 3% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 6% Random (n=25) 12% Not Random (n=111) 5% Other Disability (n=46) - Camera Total Random Sample(n=257) 2% General Population: Total (n = 200) 2% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 2% Random (n=25) 4% Not Random (n=111) 2% Other Disability (n=46) 7% Other devices / products Total Random Sample(n=257) 9% General Population: Total (n = 200) 7% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 15% Random (n=25) 20% Not Random (n=111) 14% Other Disability (n=46) 20% No need / don’t know / have everything Total Random Sample(n=257) 18% General Population: Total (n = 200) 17% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 12% Random (n=25) 20% Not Random (n=111) 10% Other Disability (n=46) 15% *Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. 58 computer/accessories respondent households would most like to purchase If money were not a factor, what technology product would you most like to purchase for your household over the next 12 months? (Q18) Computer / accessories* Total Random Sample(n=257) 28% General Population: Total (n = 200) 29% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 46%** Random (n=25) 16% Not Random (n=111) 53%** Other Disability (n=46) 28% Laptop / upgrade Total Random Sample(n=257) 17% General Population: Total (n = 200) 19% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 18% Random (n=25) 12% Not Random (n=111) 20% Other Disability (n=46) 13% Desktop / upgrade Total Random Sample(n=257) 4% General Population: Total (n = 200) 4% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 10% Random (n=25) 4% Not Random (n=111) 11% Other Disability (n=46) 4% Computer (unsp) / upgrade Total Random Sample(n=257) 5% General Population: Total (n = 200) 5% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 3% Random (n=25) - Not Random (n=111) 4% Other Disability (n=46) 4% Touch screen system Total Random Sample(n=257) 0% General Population: Total (n = 200) 1% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 9%** Random (n=25) - Not Random (n=111) 11%** Other Disability (n=46) - Mac desktop / MacIntosh computer / Apple laptop / iBook Total Random Sample(n=257) 1% General Population: Total (n = 200) 1% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 2% Random (n=25) - Not Random (n=111) 2% Other Disability (n=46) 2% Voice activated computer / voice recognition system for computer Total Random Sample(n=257) 0% General Population: Total (n = 200) - Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 2% Random (n=25) - Not Random (n=111) 2% Other Disability (n=46) 2% Additional software / Boardmaker software Total Random Sample(n=257) 0% General Population: Total (n = 200) 1% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 1% Random (n=25) - Not Random (n=111) 1% Other Disability (n=46) - Special academics software / textbook reader program Total Random Sample(n=257) 0% General Population: Total (n = 200) - Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 2% Random (n=25) - Not Random (n=111) 2% Other Disability (n=46) - Scanner Total Random Sample(n=257) 0% General Population: Total (n = 200) - Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 2% Random (n=25) - Not Random (n=111) 2% Other Disability (n=46) - Other computer comments Total Random Sample(n=257) 0% General Population: Total (n = 200) - Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 2% Random (n=25) - Not Random (n=111) 2% Other Disability (n=46) - * Below list includes details on which computer or accessories respondents would most like to purchase. ** Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. 59 use of technology – Internet access details Which of the following types of Internet access do you have? (Q6) Cable TV Provider Total Random Sample(n=209) 44% General Population: Total (n = 169) 44% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=21) 38% Not Random (n=101) 47% Other Disability (n=30) 37% DSL Total Random Sample(n=209) 33% General Population: Total (n = 169) 33% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=21) 48% Not Random (n=101) 37% Other Disability (n=30) 30% Dial-up Total Random Sample(n=209) 16% General Population: Total (n = 169) 15% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=21) 10% Not Random (n=101) 7% Other Disability (n=30) 20% Satellite TV provider Total Random Sample(n=209) 6% General Population: Total (n = 169) 6% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=21) - Not Random (n=101) 2% Other Disability (n=30) 7% Cellular network Total Random Sample(n=209) 5% General Population: Total (n = 169) 5% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=21) 5% Not Random (n=101) 2% Other Disability (n=30) 7% Community provided Total Random Sample(n=209) 1% General Population: Total (n = 169) 1% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=21) 5% Not Random (n=101) 7% Other Disability (n=30) 3% Other access Total Random Sample(n=209) 2% General Population: Total (n = 169) 1% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Random (n=21) 5% Not Random (n=101) 7% Other Disability (n=30) 3% * Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. 60 use of technology – frequency of computer use How often is a computer used, in total, by persons in your household? (Q7) (Asked of those with computers in household) Multiple times daily General Population(n = 182) 68% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 132) 82%* Random(n = 25) 84%* Not Random(n = 107) 81%* Other Disability(n = 39) 59% About 5 to 7 times per week General Population(n = 182) 15% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 132) 10% Random(n = 25) 4%* Not Random(n = 107) 1% Other Disability(n = 39) 23% 3 to 4 times per week General Population(n = 182) 8% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 132) 3%* Random(n = 25) 4% Not Random(n = 107) 4% Other Disability(n = 39) - 1 to 2 times per week General Population(n = 182) 4% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 132) 2% Random(n = 25) 4% Not Random(n = 107) 2% Other Disability(n = 39) 5% Less than once per week General Population(n = 182) 3% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 132) 2% Random(n = 25) 4% Not Random(n = 107) 2% Other Disability(n = 39) 10% Not all, never General Population(n = 182) 1% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 132) 1% Random(n = 25) - Not Random(n = 107) - Other Disability(n = 39) 3% MEAN TIMES / WEEK General Population(n = 182) 11.5 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 132) 13.0* Random(n = 25) 13.1 Not Random(n = 107) 13.0 Other Disability(n = 39) 10.5 * Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. 61 use of technology – cell phones Do you or any other person in your household own a cell phone? (Q9) Yes 90% No 10% For how long have you or anyone else in your household owned a cell phone? (Q10) Mean years by group General Population(n = 181) 8.2 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 127) 8.1 Random(n = 21) 8.5 Not Random(n = 106) 8.0 Other Disability(n = 35) 7.5 Less than 1 year General Population(n = 181) 4% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 127) 3% Random(n = 21) 5% Not Random(n = 106) 3% Other Disability(n = 35) - 1 to 2 years General Population(n = 181) 4% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 127) 6% Random(n = 21) 5% Not Random(n = 106) 6% Other Disability(n = 35) 6% 3 to 5 years General Population(n = 181) 22% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 127) 24% Random(n = 21) 24% Not Random(n = 106) 24% Other Disability(n = 35) 26% 6 to 10 years General Population(n = 181) 30% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 127) 27% Random(n = 21) 14%* Not Random(n = 106) 29% Other Disability(n = 35) 46%* More than 10 years General Population(n = 181) 40% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total(n = 127) 41% Random(n = 21) 52% Not Random(n = 106) 39% Other Disability(n = 35) 23%* * Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. 62 use of technology – smart mobile devices Do you or any other person in your household own a smart mobile device, such as an iPhone, MP3 player, BlackBerry, or other hand-held device that is capable of things like Internet access, files down loading, texting, email, etc? (Q11) Yes 31% No 69% For how long have you or anyone else in your household used one of these devices? (Q12) Mean years General Population (n = 200)2.5 Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 2.4 Random (n = 25) 3.6 Not Random (n =111) 2.2 Other Disability(n = 35) 2.7 Less than 1 year General Population (n = 200) 33% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 31% Random (n = 25) 14% Not Random (n =111) 33% Other Disability(n = 35) 33% 1 to 2 years General Population (n = 200) 28% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 39% Random (n = 25) 43% Not Random (n =111) 38% Other Disability (n = 35) 33% * Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. 63 smart mobile devices (Q13) Random Sample Responses (n = 73) How often are you… Sending and receiving emails Never do it 41% Multiple times daily 37% Accessing and researching information over the Internet Never do it 51% Multiple times daily 16% Entertainment, such as downloading and listening to music or video content, playing computer games, etc Never do it 34% Multiple times daily 12% Participating in chats/blogs/forums or social networking websites, such as MySpace, Facebook, etc Never do it 70% Multiple times daily 12% Managing a schedule, calendar Never do it 52% Multiple times daily 25% Internet banking, bill paying, money management Never do it 74% Multiple times daily 7% Involvement in civic activities, including community neighborhood meetings, local news and information sharing, etc Never do it 81% Multiple times daily 3% Find work Never do it 89% Multiple times daily 4% Managing and sharing photos Never do it 58% Multiple times daily 3% Taking pictures or recording video Never do it 47% Multiple times daily 6% Voice and video IP communications (i.e. Skype) Never do it 81% Multiple times daily 3% Taking on-line classes Never do it 95% Multiple times daily - Shopping, purchasing items over the Internet Never do it 81% Multiple times daily 1% Lobbying or communicating with elected officials Never do it 93% Multiple times daily - Navigating using a GPS feature Never do it 64% Multiple times daily 3% 64 technology use of respondents – cell phones and smart mobile devices How many cell phones and/or smart mobile devices are there, in total, used by persons in your household? (Q14) General Population Respondents (n = 200) Cell Phones 1 only 27% 2 – 4 60% 5 or more 3% None 11% Smart Devices 1 only 18% 2 – 4 10% 5 or more - None 73% Developmental Disability Respondents (n = 136) Cell Phones 1 only 24% 2 – 4 64% 5 or more 5% None 8% Smart Devices 1 only 26%* 2 – 4 5%* 5 or more 2%* None 65% Other Disability (n = 46) Cell Phones 1 only 33% 2 – 4 38%* 5 or more 2% None 28% Smart Devices 1 only 4%* 2 – 4 9% 5 or more - None 87%* * Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. 65 technology - alternative interface approaches Do any of the technology devices you have in your household use any of the following interface approaches? (Q17) Touch screen Total Random Sample (n = 257) 18% General Population (n = 200) 20% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 27% Random (n = 25) 24% Not Random (n =111) 27% Other Disability (n = 35) 11% Voice recognition Total Random Sample (n = 257) 16% General Population (n = 200) 17% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 20% Random (n = 25) 12% Not Random (n =111) 22% Other Disability (n = 35) 13% Body movement response Total Random Sample (n = 257) 6% General Population (n = 200) 7% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 8% Random (n = 25) 4% Not Random (n =111) 9% Other Disability (n = 35) 4% Eye tracking Total Random Sample (n = 257) 1% General Population (n = 200) 1% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 1% Random (n = 25) - Not Random (n =111) 1% Other Disability (n = 35) - Breath response Total Random Sample (n = 257) 1% General Population (n = 200) 1% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) - Random (n = 25) - Not Random (n =111) - Other Disability (n = 35) - Other alternative interface Total Random Sample (n = 257) 1% General Population (n = 200) 1% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 4%* Random (n = 25) 4% Not Random (n =111) 5% Other Disability (n = 35) 4%* None of the above Total Random Sample (n = 257) 65% General Population (n = 200) 66% Developmental Disabilities Samples: Total (n = 136) 52%* Random (n = 25) 56% Not Random (n =111) 51% Other Disability (n = 35) 67% * Denotes statistically significant differences with the General Population proportions, at the 90% or higher confidence level. 66 Thank you! MarketResponse International 1304 University Ave. NE Suite 304 Minneapolis, MN 55413 t:: 612.379.1645 f:: 612.379.1659 web:: www.marketresponse.com Tom Pearson, Managing Director t.pearson@marketresponse.com Char Psihos, Project Director cpsihos@marketresponse.com project :: 1954 april 1 :: 2009