GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report Report from 2015 Quality of Life Assessment Survey Among Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in Minnesota Final Report, 12/14/15 Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 1 Contents PAGE Research Overview 03 Executive Summary 08 Community and Basic Needs 12 IPSII Summary 16 ISII Detailed Findings 21 Employment and Productivity 34 Most Critical Issues ?Respondents' Perceptions 38 Appendix - Incidence of Abuse 42 Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 2 Research Overview Background The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), a division of the Minnesotam epartment of Administration, not a private sector business. The Council was created by Executive Order under Governor Wendell Anderson's administration in 1971 under provisions of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) (P.L. 106-402). The DD Act sets out the Council's purpose, the composition of its membership, and responsibilities, including the development of a five year state plan. Presently, the GCDD has repeated the Quality of Life Assessment Survey (QOLAS), which was initially conducted in 2000, and repeated in 2005 and 2010. The findings will be used as input for the next 5-Year State Plan for federal fiscal years 2017 - 2021. Research Objectives Information was gathered regarding current opinions on the degree to which people with developmental disabilities in Minnesota believe they are independent, productive, integrated and included in the community and have self-determination. Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 3 Research Overview ?METHODOLOGY The GCDD identified as many groups as possible to get a cross cut of people with developmental disabilities, families, advocacy, professional and provider groups. This outreach meant contacting and working with hundreds of groups and individuals, encouraging them to take the on-line survey, or fill out a hard copy questionnaire. Minnesota Disability Law Center MOHR On Eagles Wings/ OEW Vocational Rehabilitation and Providers Institute on Community Integration/LEND Advocating Change Together Partners in Policymaking classes and Graduates Disability Linkage Line and DHS University faculty Facebook ARRM Council website Health Care Providers Access Press Self Advocacy Groups Specific self-advocacy groups All grant recipients Twitter CCD Specific counties Transition Programs All Special Education Directors Centers for Independent Living State Independent Living Council Providers all over MN Youth Leadership groups Partnership Resources * MarketResponse reached out to these organizations and some individuals, providing hundreds of printed copies of the questionnaire and attending meetings of constituents to encourage and guide participation in the survey. Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 4 Research Overview -- RESPONDENT PROFILE Slides 5 - 7 show comparisons from the survey done in 2005 and the current 2015 survey. The survey sampling approach was similar in both years, as are the resulting respondent profiles. In other words the samples are well matched and comparable. Which of the following statements best describes you? 2005: (n = 552) 2015: (n = 531) Individuals with developmental disabilities 19% 14% Parent or other family member assisting individual with a developmental disabilities 47% 69% Friend, staff member, or advocate assisting an individual with developmental disabilities 43% 27% Note: Multiple responses allowed. Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 5 Research Overview -- RESPONDENT PROFILE There was somewhat higher representation from the Twin Cities metro area in the 2015 survey, compared to the 2005 survey. (However, there were no differences in IPSII satisfaction between the 2 regions, in the 2015 survey.) Respondents' home location based on zip code 2005 Greater Minnesota 41% Twin Cities Metro Area59% 2015 Greater Minnesota 28% Twin Cities Metro Area 72% Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 6 Research Overview -- RESPONDENT PROFILE The age group representation was almost identical between the 2005 and 2015 surveys. Age of the person with the developmental disability? 2005 18 and under 19% 19 to 34 14% 35 to 44 31% 45 + 36% 2015 18 and under 15% 19 to 34 15% 35 to 44 29% 45 + 41% Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 7 Executive Summary Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 8 Executive Summary There is no evidence of any improvement overall, over the past 15 years, in satisfaction with IPSII. Satisfaction with Productivity (based to a sub-sample of adults who work or volunteer outside of the home) has consistently been higher than satisfaction with SIII, in every year the study has been conducted. All ISII satisfaction ratings from the youngest group (less than 14 years old) are statistically significantly lower than the satisfaction ratings from all adult groups. Improving IPSII among children with developmental disabilities is a different challenge from improving IPSII among adults. Measures of IPSII progress among children and adults with developmental disabilities should be analyzed separately. For the youngest adult age group (ages 19-34) overall satisfaction with Integration and Inclusion were lowest, compared to the other IPSII ratings. Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 9 Executive Summary For adults with developmental disabilities, ages 19 and older, having a job outside of the home appears to be highly correlated with satisfaction with all elements of IPSII. The youngest adult age group (ages 19-34) had the highest unemployment rate, with 51% without a paying job. Improving real employment opportunities (i.e., a paying job, 20 hours a week or more) among the 19-34 age group, would result in improved IPSII satisfaction levels. Impressions of living in a community that is a good place for people with developmental disabilities appear to have eroded somewhat over the past 10 years. About two-thirds of all respondents believe their community is a good place for people with developmental disabilities, down from 73% in 2005. This impression may be correlated with the relatively low levels of satisfaction with Integration and Inclusion. Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 10 Executive Summary The basic needs expressed by the following 3 statements represent areas of most needed improvement. I have enough money to live on. I know what to do if my health or safety is in jeopardy My future will be secure, even if something happens to my parents/current staff member, friend, or advocate. The survey respondents offered their opinions regarding the most critical issues Minnesotans with developmental disabilities will face over the next 5 years: Access to services/support and adequate funding/resources are critical to all. Access to affordable, appropriate housing is most important to the 19-34 age group. Better employment opportunities is important to all ages, especially ages 14-34. Better access/inclusion in public education is most important to the younger age groups. Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 11 Community and Basic Needs Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 12 My Community Impressions of living in a community that is a good place for people with developmental disabilities appear to have eroded somewhat over the past 10 years. Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Neither To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement: Percent who agree 2005 (n = 551) 2015 (n = 514) All things considered, my community is a good place for people with developmental disabilities 73% 67% My community is becoming a better place for individuals with developmental disabilities 75% 69% Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the 2015 proportion, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 13 Perceptions of BASIC NEEDS The basic needs expressed by the lower 3 statements represent areas of most needed improvement. Basic Needs Statements: Percent who agree (n=506) I feel comfortable in the house where I live, it feels like home 89% I feel safe in the neighborhood where I live 86% I have access to the healthcare I need 82% I have enough money to live on 50% Most Need for improvement I know what to do if my health or safety is in jeopardy 46% Most Need for improvement My future will be secure, even if something happens to my parents/current staff member, friend, or advocate 44% Most Need for improvement Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 14 Perceptions of BASIC NEEDS The older 3 age-group segments express higher satisfaction than the younger segments on several aspects related to basic needs. A B C D E Percent Who Agree, by Age Group Total <14 14-18 19-34 35-54 55+ (n=506) (139) (74) (144) (108) (41) I feel comfortable in the house where I live, it feels like home 89% 89% 89% 90% 88% 93% I feel safe in the neighborhood where I live 86% 82% E 82% E 89% 86% 95% I have access to the healthcare I need 82% 79% 74% D 85% 87% 88% I have enough money to live on 50% 44%DE 39% DE 48%E 58% E 80% I know what to do if my health or safety is in jeopardy 46% 32% 47% A 51%A 56% A 51% A My future will be secure, even if something happens to my parents/current staff member, friend, or advocate 44% 32% 32% 50%AB 52% AB 63%AB AB Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 15 IPSII Summary Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 16 Satisfaction with IPSII -- 2015 Seven out of ten adults with disabilities (over 18 years old), who work or volunteer outside of their homes, are satisfied with their current levels of productivity. Just over half of all respondents are satisfied with the other 4 IPSII dimensions. I am satisfied with my current level of… Percent Total Agree 2000 2005 2010 Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Neither 2015 Productivity* (n = 170)* 1% 10% 66% 38% 33% 71% Self Determination (n = 449) 6% 8% 33% 24% 56% Integration (n = 412) 9% 16% 33% 23% 56% Independence (n = 481) 6% 17% 32% 21% 53% Inclusion (n = 406) 10% 21% 33% 19% 52% * Productivity satisfaction only asked to those who work or volunteer outside of their home, and are 19 years of age or older Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 17 Satisfaction with IPSII -- 2000 to 2015 There is no evidence of any improvement overall, over the past 15 years, in satisfaction with IPSII. (There may have been some erosion in Integration and Independence since the year 2000.) (NOTE: Satisfaction with Productivity has consistently been higher than satisfaction with SIII, in every year the study has been conducted. Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Neither I am satisfied with my current level of… Percent who Agree Somewhat or Strongly 2000 2005 2010 2015 Productivity* (n = 170)* 66% 73% 71% 71% Self Determination (n = 449) NA 61% 59% 56% Integration (n = 412) 64% 59% 54% 56% Independence (n = 481) 64% 60% 55% 53% Inclusion (n = 406) 55% 54% 50% 52% *Productivity satisfaction only asked to those who work or volunteer outside of their home, and are 19 years of age or older Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the 2015 proportion, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 18 Satisfaction with IPSII ?2015 AGE IMPACTS All ISII satisfaction ratings from the youngest group (less than 14 years old) are statistically significantly lower than the satisfaction ratings from all adult groups. Among adults, Integration and Inclusion are particularly elusive to the 19-34 year olds. Percent who agree somewhat or strongly, by age I am satisfied with my current level of… A B C D E <14 15 - 18 19 - 34 35 - 54 55 + 2015 (120) (65) (150) (117) (43) Total Productivity -- -- 71% 71% 70% 71% Self Determination 37% 53% 64% A 69% AB 66% A 56% Integration 40% 57% 56% A 74% ABC 64% A 56% Independence 35% 43% 64% AB 63% AB 72% AB 53% Inclusion 37% 50% 57% A 65% A 60% A 52% AB Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 19 Satisfaction with IPSII ?CORRELATION WITH EMPLOYMENT, 2015 For adults with developmental disabilities, ages 19 and older, having a job outside of the home appears to be highly correlated with satisfaction with all elements of IPSII. Adults, ages 19 or more, Employment I am satisfied with my current level of… A B C Have Job Volunteer Neither Total Agree (143) (34) (80) (170) Productivity*(n = 170)* 75% 56% NA 71% (n=400+) Self Determination (n = 449) 73% C 62% 56% 56% Integration (n = 412) 74% BC 44% 54% 56% Independence (n = 481) 69%B 50% 64% 53% Inclusion (n = 406) 65% 55% 55% 52% AB Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 20 ISII Detailed Findings: Independence Self Determination Integration Inclusion Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 21 Perceptions of INDEPENDENCE To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement Disagree Agree Only people who are allowed to know my personal information have access to it 10% 78% I can (even if someone helps me) get to where I want to go 16% 6% I can be alone and have privacy when I feel I need it 14% 71% I am as independent as I can be given my disability 17% 64% I can live near the people who are important to me 14% 64% I can meet with people in private when I want 20% 56% Finding a suitable housing option for me is possible 24% 45% Most Need for improvement I choose the provider who assists me 23% 44% I choose the staff who assists me 31% 38% I am satisfied with my current level of independence 24% 53% Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 22 Perceptions of INDEPENDENCE Total A) <14 B) 14-18 C) 19-34 D) 35-54 E) 55+ xxx Percent Who Agree, by Age Group (n=481) (132) (70) (136) (104) (39) Only people allowed to know my personal information have access to it 78% 73% 77% 84% 74% 85% A I can (even if someone helps me) get to where I want to go 76% 71% 77% 81% 74% 79% I can be alone and have privacy when I feel I need it 71% 58% 76%A 76%A 77%A 77% A I am as independent as I can be given my disability 64% 48% 64%A 70%A 75%A 74%A I can live near the people who are important to me 64% 58% 59% 68% 66% 69% I can meet with people in private when I want 56% 33% 57%A 62%A 70%A 74%A Finding suitable housing options for me is possible 45% 28% 30% 48%AB 63%ABC 69%ABC I choose the provider who assists me 44% 42% 37% 49% 52% 28%CD I choose the staff who assists me 38% 37% E 37% 36% E 47% E 21% I am satisfied with my current level of independence 53% 35% 43% 64% 63% 72%AB AB AB AB Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 23 Perceptions of INDEPENDENCE Respondent Employment Location Top 2 Box Agreement a) Ind w/dd b) Other c) Job d) Voluntr e) Neither f) Metro g) Greatr MN 58 221 143 34 80 205 74 I can (even if someone helps me) get to where I want to go 76% 79% 85%de 71% 70% 78% 78% I can meet with people in private, when I want 79% 63% 83%de 53% 44% 65% 70% I can be alone and have privacy, when I feel I need it 78% 76% 86%de 68% 64% 77% 79% Only people who are allowed to know my personal information have access to it 79% 81% 85% 71% 79% 81% 78% Finding a suitable housing option for me is possible 67% 53% 64% e 53% 44% 56% 58% I can live near the people who are important to me 72% 67% 72% 68% 60% 67% 69% I choose the staff who works with me 64% b 31% 39% 53% 34% 39% 36% I choose the provider who assists me 64% b 43% 52% 50% 40% 49% 43% I am as independent as I can be given my disability 74% 72% 76% 71% 68% 75% 66% I am satisfied with my current level of independence 71% 63% 69% 50%c 64% 64% 66% ab Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 24 Perceptions of SELF DETERMINATION To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement Disagree Agree I have control (even if someone helps me) over how I present myself, what I choose to wear, my hairstyle, etc. 11% 76% I can (even if someone helps me) decorate or arrange my living area how I like it 10% 69% I have as much self determination as possible given my developmental disability 16% 61% I solve my own problems (even if someone helps me) 27% 54% I can decide how I spend my money 24% 50% I can set outcomes (goals) for myself 24% 50% I have control over my daily schedule 29% 48% I can make decisions that will affect my future 25% 47% I have control over who I live with 31% 35% Most Need for improvement I can decide how public funds are spent for my services and support 38% 23% I am satisfied with my current level of self determination 14% 56% Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 25 Perceptions of SELF DETERMINATION A) <14 B) 14-18 C) 19-34 D) 35-54 E) 55+ Percent Who Agree, by Age Group Total (n=449) (120) (66) (127) (98) (38) I have control (even if someone helps me) over how I present myself, what I choose to wear, my hairstyle, etc. 76% 61% 79% A 80%A 82% A 89% A I can (even if someone helps me) decorate or arrange my living area how I like i 69% 48% 68% A 80%A 79% A 79% A I have as much self determination as possible given my developmental disability 61% 43% 56% 69%A 74%AB 71%A I solve my own problems (even if someone helps me) 54% 37% 53% A 59% A 67%A 55%A I can decide how I spend my money 50% 23% 48% A 61%A 64%AB 61% A I can set outcomes (goals) for myself 50% 27% 47%A 58% A 67%AB 55%A I have control over my daily schedule 48% 22% 39% A 60%AB 67%AB 53%A I can make decisions that will affect my future 47% 19% 56% A 59% A 59% A 50% A I have control over who I live with 35% 13% 27%A 48%AB 50%AB 34% A I can decide how public funds are spent for my services and support 23% 13% 18% 29% A 34% AB 18% I am satisfied with my current level of self determination 56% 37% 53%A 64%A 69%AB 66%A AB Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 26 Perceptions of SELF DETERMINATION Respondent Employment Location Top 2 Box Agreement a) Ind w/dd b) Other c) Job d) Voluntr e) Neither f) Metro g) GreatrMN 58 221 143 34 80 205 74 I can (even if someone helps me) decorate or arrange my living area how I like it 82% 78% 87% 71% 69% 77% 85% I have control (even if someone helps me) over how I present myself, what I choose to wear, my hairstyle, etc. I have control over my schedule 84% b 56% 72% e 56% 45% 62% 61% I can set outcomes (goals) for myself 80% 56% 69% e 62% 48% 61% 62% b I can decide how I spend my money 85% 56% 73% 71% 41% cd 61% 65% b I can make decisions that will affect my future 82% b 51% 66% e 62% 43% 57% 61% I solve my own problems (even if someone helps me) 76% 58% 72% 65% 44%cd 61% 63% b I can decide how public funds are spent for my services and 53% 23% 31% 35% 23% 30% 27% b I have control over who I live with 76% b 39% 49% 53% 39% 49% 41% I have as much self determination as possible given my developmental disability 82% 68% 76% 65% 64% 70% 75% b I am satisfied with my current level of self determination 82% b 62% 73% e 62% 56% 64% 72% ab Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 27 Perceptions of INTEGRATION To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement Disagree Agree I have opportunities to do things with people my age 31% 63% I have friends who do not have developmental disabilities 31% 61% The personal support I require is available in my community 30% 60% I feel comfortable going outside my immediate community 24% 60% I am as integrated as I can be given my developmental disability 28% 59% Resources that I need are available in my community 34% 57% My rights to equality are acknowledged by my community 29% 53% I am satisfied with my current level of integration 29% 56% Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 28 Perceptions of INTEGRATION A B C D E Percent Who Agree, by Age Group Total <14 14-18 19-34 35-54 55+ (n=412) (132) (70) (136) (104) (39) I have opportunities to do things with people my age 63% 56% 50% 65% 71% AB 75% AB I have friends who do not have developmental disabilities 61% 63% 50% 63% 60% 72% B The personal support I require is available in my community 60% 47% 42% 65% AB 77% AB 72% AB I feel comfortable going outside my immediate community 60% 47% 48% 68% AB 68%AB 72% AB I am as integrated as I can be given my developmental disability 59% 47% 57% 58% 72% AC 69% A Resources that I need are available in my community 57% 47% 47% 58% 66% AB 75% AB My rights to equality are acknowledged by my community 53% 34% 48% 61% A 66%AB 61% A I am satisfied with my current level of integration 56% 40% 57%AD 56% AD 74%A 64% A AB Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 29 Perceptions of INTEGRATION Respondent Employment Location Top 2 Box Agreement a) Ind w/dd b) Other c) Job d) Volunteer e)Neither f) Metro g) GreatrMN 49 192 133 32 76 176 65 Resources that I need are available in my community 63% 64% 69% e 59% 55% 64% 62% The personal support I require is available in my community 69% 71% 74% 69% 66% 70% 71% I have the opportunity to do things with people my age 76% 67% 71% 72% 64% 69% 69% My rights to equality are acknowledged by my community 78% b 59% 65% 63% 58% 61% 66% I have friends who do not have developmental disabilities 82% 58% 66% 69% 55% 64% 60% b I feel comfortable going outside my immediate community 84% b 65% 75% e 63% 59% 70% 65% I am as integrated as I can be given my developmental disability 71% 64% 72% d 44% 62% 66% 63% I am satisfied with my current level of integration 69% 62% 74% de 44% 54% 61% 71% ab Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 30 Perceptions of INCLUSION To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement Disagree Agree I have opportunities to develop meaningful relationships with people who have a developmental disability 17% 75% People treat me with respect 25% 67% I have opportunities to develop meaningful relationships with people who do not have a developmental disability 30% 61% I am as included in society as I can be 32% 56% People without a disability treat me as an equal 45% 46% Most Need for improvement I am satisfied with my level of inclusion in society 31% 52% Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 31 Perceptions of INCLUSION A B C D E Percent Who Agree, by Age Group Total <14 14-18 19-34 35-54 55+ (n=406) (132) (70) (136) (104) (39) I have opportunities to develop meaningful relationships with people who have a developmental disability 75% 62% 75% 80%A 81% A 83% A People treat me with respect 67% 56% 62% 72%A 77% A 74% A I have opportunities to develop meaningful relationships with people who do not have a developmental disability 64% 59% 63% 59% 65% 57% I am as included in society as I can be 56% 47% 52% 58% 66%A 57% People without a disability treat me as an equal 46% 32% 42%A 53%A 53%A 57%A I am satisfied with my level of inclusion in society 52% 37% 50% 57%A 65%A 60%A AB Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 32 Perceptions of INCLUSION Respondent Employment Location Top 2 Box Agreement a) Ind w/dd b) Other c) Job d) Voluntr e) Neither f) Metro g)GreatrMN 48 187 131 31 73 171 64 People without a disability treat me as an equal 73 b 49 61 39 ed 47 57 45 People treat me with respect 85 71 79 61 70 75 72 b I have the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with people who do not have a developmental disability 75 57 64 71 51 de 62 58 b I have opportunities to develop meaningful relationships with people who have a developmental disability 79 81 84 77 77 83 75 I am as included in society as I can be 73 b 58 64 52 59 58 67 I am satisfied with my current level of inclusion 71 b 58 65 55 55 57 69 ab Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 33 Employment and Productivity Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 34 Employment The youngest adult age group (ages 19-34) had the highest unemployment rate, with 51% without a paying job, vs 37% and 43% for the two older age groups respectively Do you work or volunteer outside of the home? (n=257 adults over age 18) Yes, I have a job I get paid for (56%) Yes I volunteer my time (13%) No job or volunteering (31%) Ages 19-34 n= 124 49% 11% 40% Ages 35-54 n= 96 64% 15% 22% Ages 55+ n= 37 57% 16% 27% Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the corresponding proportion in another age group, at the 95% confidence level. Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 35 Employment Those with a paying job work an average of ~20 hours per week. Just over half (53%) of those who volunteer spend 5 or fewer hours per week in their volunteer position. Seven out of 10 of all workers believe they work the right number of hours, while 1 out of 4 think their working hours are too few. AMONG THOSE WHO WORK OR VOLUNTEER: How many hours/week do you work or volunteer? Paying Job Volunteer (Total) (143) (34) 5 or fewer 18% 9% 53% 6 to 10 hours 14% 11% 26% 11 to 15 hours 9% 10% 6% 16 to 20 hours 23% 28% 6% 21 to 30 hours 25% 31% -- Over 30 hours 10% 11% 9% Mean hours 21 10 Median hours 20 5 Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the 2015 proportion, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 36 Productivity at home Satisfaction with the 3 aspects of productivity at home were relatively high, with the exception of the youngest group having an appropriate amount of responsibility (which is challenging with any child under the age of 14). Percent who agree somewhat or strongly, by age Productivity at home… A B C D E <14 15 - 18 19 - 34 35 - 54 55 + 2015 (120) (65) (150) (117) (43) Total I receive recognition for the things I do at home 84% 88% 81% 79% 81% 82% I have been improving my skills at home 79% 72% 79% 75% 68% 76% I have an appropriate amount of responsibilities at home 48% 70% 70% 71% 81% 65% A A A A AB Indicates the proportion is statistically significantly higher or lower than the proportion in the column so labeled, at the 95% confidence level Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 37 Most Critical Issues Respondents' Perceptions Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 38 Most critical issues What are the most critical issues that Minnesotans with developmental disabilities will face in the next five years? A B C D E Issues Mentioned: Percent mentioning each issue <14 14-18 19-34 35-54 55+ (n=378) (n=103) (n=53) (n=106) (n=82) (n=32) Services/Programs 27% 35% C 21% 19% 29% 32% Housing 26% 19% C 26% 40% 24% C 12% C Funding/Financial 24% 20% 21% 27% 28% 24% Employment 24% 21% 30% 28% 23% 15% Education 10% 23% 13% 5% A 2% AB 3% A Healthcare 10% 14% 9% 7% 12% 6% Transportation 7% 5% 4% 9% 5% 18% Other 39% 42% 40% 35% 38% 41% ABC: Indicates statistical significant difference at 95% confidence level with other column(s) figures. Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 39 Most critical issues - Services - Housing -Funding/Financial - Employment What are the most critical issues that Minnesotans with developmental disabilities will face in the next five years Services: n=102 Funding/Financial: n=92 Access to services related to specific needs Funding - daily living/support Staffing shortages/turnover For services/resources/programs Housing: n=100 Employment/work: n=92 Housing - affordable/available Suitable/meaningful jobs Appropriate housing/living arrangements Good paying jobs/wages Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 40 Most critical issues - Education - Healthcare - Transportation - Other What are the most critical issues that Minnesotans with developmental disabilities will face in the next five years Education: n=39 Transportation: n=27 Access to public education/inclusion in education Transportation - be reliable/on time Post high school / secondary education Other: n=146 Healthcare: n=38 Acceptance/respect/understanding Healthcare - affordable/adequate Inclusion/integration in community Health Insurance / benefits Independence Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 41 Appendix Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 42 Have you or a family member ever been abused, neglected or exploited? If YES, Did someone help you? n = 523 Yes 20% n = 102 No 22% 80% 70% 9% Other No Yes If YES, did you call someone? If YES, who did you call? Family member 21% n = 103 n = 62 Police 19% Yes Social Services 18% 63% Hospital staff 8% 37% Teacher/school personnel 8% *Other includes: 911, friend, Department of Human Services, Arc, Therapist, VA CEP, Directorof Nursing Services, Protective adult, Lawyer, Legal advocacy, Owner of facility, PCA Supervisor, Board of Social Work 43 Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 43 Thank you! Tom Pearson, Managing Director t.pearson@marketresponse.com Derek Pearson, Qualitative Research Analyst d.pearson@marketresponse.com Susan McCullough, Director of Research s.mccullough@marketresponse.com Doreen Rowe, Business Mgr./Research Assistant d.rowe@marketresponse.com MarketResponse International 1304 University Avenue NE Suite 304 Minneapolis, MN 55413 USA 1.612.379.1645 Project 2327 GCDD 5 Year Plan Research Report 12/2/2015 44