22 december 2010 project :: 2082 GCDD Five Year Plan Research Report: Service Provider Survey prepared by: MR logotype MN scene duluth St Paul and Mississippi Presentation of Findings 1::project overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2::executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 3::sample profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 4::provider results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5::comparison to 2005 survey findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 table of contents 1:: project overview project overview Background The Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is a public entity, a division of the Minnesota Department of Administration, not a private sector business.The Council was created by Executive Order under Governor Wendell Anderson’s administration in 1971 under provisions of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (developmental disabilities Act) (P.L. 106-402).The developmental disabilities Act sets out the Council’s purpose, the composition of its membership, and responsibilities, including the development of a five year state plan. Presently, the GCDD has repeated the Quality of Life Assessment Survey (QOLAS), which was initially conducted in 2000 and repeated in 2005. The findings will be used as input for the next 5-Year State Plan for federal fiscal years 2012 -2016. Research Objectives From this survey, information was gathered from providers of services to individuals with developmental disabilities (persons who work for organizations that provide these services) regarding current opinions on activities related to: employment, recreation, self-advocacy, health, quality assurance, housing, education, early intervention and childcare. project overview MethodologyGCDD reached out to three trade associations: MnDACA, the MN HabCoalition and ARRM, and provided a link to the provider survey hosted by MarketResponse.A total of 66 providers completed the survey.• The survey took 5-10 minutes to complete. • No monetary incentive for participation was provided. • Open-ended questions were coded. • All of the provider surveys were completed online. • All questionnaires were in English. 2:: executive summary summary of findings Providers only rated current services as the minimum Satisfactory, none were rated as Excellent.• While providers were happy with the service/programs currently being offered, they felt more services were needed. • The main complaints centered around funding which impacted staffing, education/training, transportation, etc. • Many providers acknowledged that the current economic downturn had made things more difficult.Compared to 5 years ago • Findings were similar to the last survey conducted in 2005, with Employment being the number one priority for the next five years followed by Health Care. The other top areas are Housing, Self Advocacy and Quality Assurance. These priorities may be impacted by the sample, because more respondents provided services in these areas currently. There were fewer respondents representing the areas of Education, Early Intervention and Childcare. • Ratings on the individual areas were similar in 2005 hovering just around the mid point “satisfactory” on the ratings scale. 3:: sample profile Respondent Zip Codes Total: (n = 66) Twin Cities Metro Area* Greater Minnesota sample profile --respondent/location According to the year 2000 Minnesota census, 62% of the population lives in the Twin Cities Metro Area. *The Twin Cities Metro Area is defined as the following seven counties: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington. :: Respondents were limited to individuals with Minnesota zip codes. There was proportionate representation from both the Twin Cities Metro Area and the rest of the state. 4:: provider results Poor (1) (2) (3) Satisfactory (4) (5) (6) Excellent (7) Please check the relevant areas of emphasis inwhich your organization is working with individuals with developmental disabilities and their families Howwould you rate the quality of (activity) for individuals with developmental disabilities in MN? Activity Respondents involved in eachactivity: Number of mentions Rated 6 or 7 Rated 1 or 2 Mean Rating Number of mentions Number of mentions Recreation related activities 7 6 4.1 Employment related activities 6 9 3.8 Health related activities 6 9 3.8 Self-advocacyactivities 4 3 4.1 Housing related activities 4 7 3.9 Quality assurance activities 7 5 4.2 Education activities 3 2 4.0 Childcare related activities 1 3 2.7 Early interventionactivities -- 1 3.8 11 areas of emphasis 12 recreation related activities ::Providers thought that what was working well in Recreation related activities is access to a variety of activities; however, better transport/transport during off hours was the top area for improvement, along with Funding and more Staffing. Needs to be changed or improvedso that people with developmental disabilities may be more IPSII in the community with regards to: (n = 50) RecreationRelatedActivities Number of mentions Better transportation/better public transportation/transportation during off hours 11 Need morefunding 10 Better staffing/support 9 Access to more places/trails/theaters/buildings 7 Thinking needs to change/more education of the general public/people with developmental disabilities need to be welcomed/treated like everyone else 6 Need more free activities/less expensive activities 5 No segregation/separationof activities 4 Be creative/new way of thinking 2 Make information available for families/individuals 1 None/nothing 1 Don’t know 1 Working well in: (n = 48) RecreationRelatedActivities Number of mentions Access toa variety of recreation-related activities 32 Community/citizens are supportiveof individuals with developmental disabilities finding jobs 6 Settings with strong staff/support 6 Choices that are reasonably priced/free 3 Trending back to segregated activities 3 None/nothing 2 Don’t’ know 1 13 employment ::Providers approved of the existing employment programs that assist in training and help finding jobs, but they felt the current economic downturn had made things more difficult. Additional opportunities for improvement were again better transport, morefunding and more training of individuals with developmental disabilities and education of employers. Needs to be changed or improved so that people with developmental disabilities may be more IPSII in the community with regards to: (n = 37) Employment Related Activities Number of mentions Difficult to find jobs for persons with developmental disabilities due to economic downturn 10 Better transportation/better public transportation/transportation during off hours 7 Better education of employers about hiring those with developmental disabilities 7 More training of individuals with developmental disabilities/technical training/job coaching 7 Need more funding 6 More emphasis on job preparation in schools 5 Don’t eliminate special minimum wage certificate 3 Better education of persons with developmental disabilities regarding work ethics/responsibility 2 Thinking needs to change/more education of the general public/people with developmental disabilities need to be welcomed/treated like everyone else 1 Better pay/better benefits 1 Working well in: (n = 37) Employment Related Activities Number of mentions Employment programs that assist with finding jobs/job training 16 Direct hire by businesses/businesses recognizing value of people with developmental disabilities 7 Community/citizens are supportive of individuals with developmental disabilities finding jobs 6 Work crews/community work crews 5 Job coaching 3 Individualized employment opportunities 2 Tax incentives/mandates 1 Parental effort 1 None/nothing/Don’t know 4 14 health ::Providers approved of the current access to medical care, but felt dental services and more preventive health care services could be offered. Needs to be changed or improvedso that people with developmental disabilities may be more IPSII in the community with regards to: (n = 38) HealthRelated Activities Number of mentions Dental care/better dental care 14 More services coveringoccupationaltherapy/physical therapy/speech therapyandpreventivehealth care 12 Mental health care/better mental health care 8 Medical/dentalpersonnel need better training for working with people with developmental disabilities 6 Needmore funding 4 More advocacy 3 Access (nonspecific) 2 Better transportation/betterpublic transportation/transportation during off hours 1 Nationalized healthcare 1 Working well in: (n = 38) HealthRelated Activities Number of mentions Access to medical care/treatment 20 Depends on level of coverage 9 Individualized medical services/support 6 Medical personnelprovide best possible care to people with developmental disabilities 6 Advocacy groups 1 Increased awarenessof options 1 None/nothing 1 Don’t know 3 15 self-advocacy related activities ::Providers felt that there are good groups/organizations committed to this, but felt strongly that there was still a ways to go to get everyone’s voice heard. Training programs dedicated to this were appreciated. Needs to be changed or improvedso that people with developmental disabilities may be more IPSII in the community with regards to: (n = 37) Self-Advocacy RelatedActivities Number of mentions Make everyone’s voice heard/train them to advocate for themselves 18 Staff/parent/caregiver training/education on advocacy processes 6 More marketing/promotion 3 Need more funding 2 Broader access to programs/rural areas needmore programs 2 Be creative/new way of thinking 2 Better transportation/betterpublic transportation/transportation during off hours 1 Moretraining of individuals with developmental disabilities/technical training/job coaching 1 More advocacy 1 Better staffing/support 1 Don’t know 5 Working well in: (n = 17) Self-Advocacy RelatedActivities Number of mentions Mentioned specific groups/Arc/People First/ARRM 7 Lots of good organizations/committed 6 None/nothing 2 Don’t know 2 16 housing ::Providers felt there was a good array of housing options and a good support system for independent living. However while they appreciated the waivers and subsidized services being offered they felt more funding and more services were needed. Needs to be changed or improved so that people with developmental disabilities may be more IPSII in the community with regards to: (n = 31) Housing Related Activities Number of mentions Need more funding 11 Availability of more services/staff/support so people can remain independent 9 Need more housing options 6 Lack of safe, affordable housing/need more low-income housing in safe areas 4 Lift moratorium on waivered services 4 Thinking needs to change/more education of the general public/people with developmental disabilities need to be welcomed/treated like everyone else 2 Better transportation/better public transportation/transportation during off hours 2 Don’t know 1 Working well in: (n = 34) Housing Related Activities Number of mentions Adequate funding/waivered services/subsidized services 11 Array of housing options available 11 Support system for independent living 11 Group homes 3 Community/citizens are supportive of individuals with developmental disabilities finding jobs 1 None/nothing 3 Don’t know 1 17 quality assurance related activities ::Providers feel that some of the quality assurance systems are redundant or prohibit greater independence. They need to involve people with developmental disabilities in the quality assurance assessments. Needs to be changed or improvedso that people with developmental disabilities may be more IPSII in the community with regards to: (n = 30) Quality Assurance Related Activities Number of mentions Quality assurance is redundant/updatequality assurance methods/better licensing methods/allow for greater independence/better quality of life/person-centered planning 9 Involve people with developmental disabilities in quality assurance assessments 8 Less bureaucracy and paperwork 5 Need more funding 3 Better measurement of compliance 2 Need meaningful employment 1 Increase quality assurance standards for all providers 1 Don’t know 3 Working well in: (n = 30) Quality Assurance Related Activities Number of mentions A quality assurance system is in place 19 Licensing standardseasily accessible/licensing reviews 5 Good quality assurance training 2 None/nothing 5 Don’t know 3 18 education ::Providers feel more educational services need to be offered. They feel change needs to begin with more education of the general public to “change thinking”. Additionally, transition services need to be improved, along with more training for teachers and better curriculum Needs to be changed or improved so that people with developmental disabilities may be more IPSII in the community with regards to: (n = 18) Education Related Activities Number of mentions Thinking needs to change/more education of the general public/people with developmental disabilities need to be welcomed/treated like everyone else 5 Transition services need to improve 5 More training/specialized training for teachers/instructors 3 Better curriculum 3 Need more funding 2 Need more classrooms available/quality classrooms 2 Broader access to programs/rural areas need more programs 2 Provide earlier intervention 1 Vouchers/tax incentives for parents so child can get a better education 1 Working well in: (n = 18) Education Related Activities Number of mentions More educational choices/better curriculum 7 Partnership between school and parents/providers 3 Transition education/education until age 22 3 Varies from school to school/varies from district to district 3 Support/good support system 2 Professional/well-trained staff 1 Advocacy groups 1 None/nothing 1 19 childcare and early intervention ::Only a handful of Providers that participated in the survey provided services in these areas. Similar to education they feltmore training for teachers/instructors and more funding are needed. Needs to be changed or improved so that people with developmental disabilities may be more IPSII in the community with regards to: (n = 5) Childcare Related Activities Number of mentions More training/specialized training for teachers/instructors 3 Need more funding 2 Thinking needs to change/more education of the general public/people with developmental disabilities need to be welcomed/treated like everyone else 1 Working well in: (n = 5) Childcare Related Activities Number of mentions Working with younger children 2 Professional/well trained staff 2 Actual in-classroom time 1 Support/good support system 1 Waivers/vouchers for parents 1 (n = 4) Early Intervention Activities Number of mentions More training/specialized training for teachers/instructors 2 Need more funding 1 Thinking needs to change/more education of the general public/people with developmental disabilities need to be welcomed/treated like everyone else 1 (n = 4) Early Intervention Activities Number of mentions Working with younger children 2 Support/good support system 1 ABA services more widely available 1 most critical issues :: In two different surveys, people with developmental disabilities and providers -both groups selected the sametop three issues facing Minnesotans with developmental disabilities in the next years -housing, employment and health care. Housing Employment Health care Personal care services Education Independence Funding Budget cuts Employment Health care Housing Quality assurance Self-advocacy Education Recreation Early intervention or childcare People with Development Disabilities (n=222)Providers Survey (n = 66) In a separate survey, Minnesotans with developmental disabilities were asked to identify the three most critical issues that Minnesotans with developmental disabilities will face in the next years. We felt it was important to show that the results of the two surveys were very similar. 5:: comparison to 2005 findings Quality of activities and services for individuals with developmental disabilities in Minnesota: Mean rating: 1234567 PoorSatisfactoryExcellent most critical issues 2005 vs. 2010 n = 38 Employment related activities n = 96 n = 50 Recreationrelated activities n = 92 n = 37 Self-advocacyactivities n = 80 n = 38 Healthrelated activities n = 77 n = 30 Quality assurance activities n = 65 n = 34 Housingrelated activities n = 64 n = 19 Educationactivities n = 57 n = 5 Early intervention activities n = 31 n = 6 Childcarerelated activities n = 18 2010 2005 Thank you! Tom Pearson, Managing Director t.pearson@marketresponse.com Susan McCullough, Senior Research Consultant s.mccullough@marketresponse.com Derek Pearson, Research Analyst d.pearson@marketresponse.com MarketResponse International 1304 university ave. ne suite 304 minneapolis, mn 55413 t:: 612.379.1645 f:: 612.379.1659 web:: www.marketresponse.com