Supporting Minnesotans with ASD to Get Jobs in Technology Fields

Employment and Autism

Employment outcomes for individuals with ASD have traditionally been poor. Finding the right position begins with discovering the interests and skills of the person; assessing the learning style and the work environment. The Autism Society of Minnesota concluded that since people with ASD have difficulties with social cognition and sensory processing, they initially need a more formalized network of support, structured teaching of tasks, ample time to learn the job, and accommodations for sensory differences. The Autism Society of Minnesota advise businesses that these eight accommodations may be the key to successful employment outcomes:

  1. Clarify job expectations
  2. Use visuals to instruct and organize
  3. Communicate in a direct manner
  4. Structure the workplace to avoid distractions or sensory overloads
  5. Minimize multi-task assignments
  6. Allow independent roles, assign a job mentor
  7. Establish job routines
  8. Work with a job coach

For more information about the topic of employment and autism go to these resources:

Frank Rusch* Recommendations:

*Frank R. Rusch, Ph.D.
Known internationally for his research related to transition from school to work. Penn State College of Education, Professor Rusch has been studying for over 30 years how to utilize social capital to support individuals with disabilities after graduation from high school, how to structure transition services to promote meaningful outcomes, how to promote individual autonomy as a result of learning to direct one’s own behavior, and how to utilize diverse methodologies in the study of socially relevant outcomes.

Top 10 Actions for Employers

Increase your awareness and understanding about individuals with autism spectrum disorder, and how, together, you can be successful in a digital economy.

Top 10 Actions that Individuals and Families Can Take

Resources and opportunities, tips and tools to supplement and enhance the secondary education experience, and better plan for jobs and careers in a digital economy.

Top 10 Actions for Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Specific actions and resources to help VRS staff help individuals with autism spectrum disorder find the best jobs with the right accommodations, and careers in the digital age.

The Autism Society of Minnesota

The Autism Society of Minnesota is comprised of families, educators, care givers, and professionals all committed to supporting individual with autism spectrum disorder through education support, collaboration, and advocacy. Advice and insights regarding employment issues are available via a Facebook account.

AUSM on Facebook

The Autism Society of Minnesota has set up a Facebook page to address concerns, and provide advice and insight regarding employment issues to individuals on the autism spectrum.