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Yearly Sign up for Pre-tax Expense Accounts

You have to sign up for pre-tax expense accounts every year. They do not automatically continue like insurance does.

These accounts help you save money by paying less in taxes. You set aside tax-free dollars to pay for some of your usual medical, dental, day care, and transit expenses. The money you set aside is subtracted from your paycheck twice each month before taxes get calculated.

These accounts cover expenses such as before and after school care for your pre-teens, bus passes for work, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, and more. There are rules about what expenses qualify. Benefit Resource (BRI) is the administrator for the state’s pre-tax benefits. Visit the BRI website for state employees for 2025 pre-tax information and watch the new video.

Information for the Minnesota State Healthcare Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is also available on the BRI website.

Enroll in:

Go to Self Service between Oct. 24 and Nov. 13 to sign up for: 

  • Medical/Dental Expense Account (MDEA)
  • Dependent Care (daycare) Expense Account (DCEA)
  • Transit Expense Accounts
    • Parking Expense Account (PKEA)
    • Mass Transit (Bus pass)/Vanpool Expense Account (BVEA)

For more information about pre-tax spending accounts

Visit the pre-tax information page.
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