State of MN Employees: Visit Self-Service Website. MN Self Service Site
Legislative & MN Historical Society Employees: Additional Donation Instructions
The Combined Charities Campaign is an opportunity for Minnesota state employees to donate to charities of their choice. This is done by using a payroll deduction. Your donations support vital health, education, environmental, arts, and social service programs in our state.
Contributing through the Combined Charities Campaign maximizes your gift by allowing you to make a tax-deductible contribution each time you get paid. Over the course of a year, your contribution can really make a difference and helps Minnesota charities in a big way. Donating through the campaign is an effective way for charities to raise funds and helps them lower administrative costs.
You choose where you want your money to go. The charitable federations that are a part of the campaign are reviewed by Minnesota Management and Budget each year. They must meet specific criteria as outlined in Minnesota law. The charitable federations represent hundreds of charities working in communities throughout the state. Many of these federations allow you to designate your gift to a specific charity or qualified 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization.
The needs of our state are many and diverse. One charity simply cannot address the concerns of everyone. The Combined Charities Campaign offers you the freedom to choose how you want to distribute your contribution.
Many of the charitable federations allow you to designate your gift to a specific charity. Some federation’s process designated gifts to any qualified charity (IRS code 501(c) (3), some process gifts to their affiliated charities only, while others distribute funds for specific projects or areas of service and do not accept designations.
Yes! Look at the list of charitable federations to determine which ones accept designations to their affiliated charities. Make your pledge through the State Self Service website, and then select the button labeled Designations/Acknowledgements. Follow the directions on the page to select your designations.
Yes. Look at the list of charitable federations to determine which ones accept designations to any 501(c) (3) charity. Once you have determined the appropriate charitable federation, make your pledge through the State Self Service website. Select the button labeled Designations/Acknowledgements and follow the directions on the page to enter your designation.
Charitable federations must be a registered combined charitable organization as defined in Minnesota Statute 43A.50. This includes the requirement that organizations expend no more than 30% of the total contributions received in the past year for management, general, and fund-raising costs. Federations may collect administrative fees for processing designations. These fees are part of the charities fund-raising costs.
Yes. Using the State Self Service on-line system, once your pledge has been made, click on the bar labeled Designation/Acknowledgements. Follow the instructions and choose the charitable organization you would like to receive an acknowledgement from. Enter the information requested in the blue boxes. Click Please send me an acknowledgement and click Submit.
Payroll deductions will begin with the first paycheck in January and typically continue through December of that year, unless you indicate otherwise. One-time payroll deductions will be deducted from the first paycheck in January unless you specify a different date.
Yes. Your pledge is only valid for a single calendar year. Any payroll deduction you select in October of each year during the campaign, will begin in the first pay period in January.
Yes, employees can make a pledge for a one-time payroll deduction via the Self Service website. Follow the directions for a one-time deduction.
Yes, your gift may be tax deductible. Please be aware that the IRS tax law requires documentation to claim a charitable tax deduction. Please consult your tax advisor for more information.
Your gift may be tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor for more information. Be aware that IRS tax law requires documentation to claim a charitable tax deduction. If determined to be tax-deductible, you will need to provide documentation for gifts of any amount. For gifts under $250, you may use bank records or a receipt from the charity. Gifts of $250 or more require a receipt from the charity.
Yes, cash donations or checks should be given to your agency or campus coordinator. Checks made out to the "Minnesota Combined Charities Campaign" will be evenly distributed to the entire campaign.
To stop a charitable deduction, go to the State of Minnesota Employee Self Service website and log in. Click Other Payroll. Click Charitable Deductions. On the Voluntary Deduction page, click Edit to the right of the deduction you want to stop. Click Stop Deduction. Click Save. Click OK.
You should receive the following message: Save Confirmation. The Save was successful. However, due to timing, your change may not be reflected on the next paycheck.
Yes. Data security is incorporated, as it is with the insurance process and the pay stub information. The website uses the latest Internet security software.
You can access the website from anywhere via a connection to the Internet. Or, ask your human resources department if a computer is available for your use.