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Report on Minnesota Civil Rights Trends

In 2023, the Minnesota legislature directed the Department of Human Rights (MDHR) to create a report that analyzes civil rights trends – such as fires at mosques or swastikas painted on buildings – and recommendations for policy changes.

When is the report due?

By statute, the first report will come out in February of 2025, and a new report will come out every-other year.

What is the methodology MDHR is using for its report?

The report will include a methodology section when it is released. This section will provide details on how the research was conducted, including how stakeholders were engaged in the process. Look for the report in February 2025 for more information.

Where can I read the report when it’s finished?

As outlined in the statute, once the report is complete, you will be able to find it on MDHR’s website, and it will be distributed to the chairs and ranking minority members of the House and Senate and with community groups.

What is the exact language in the statute?

The final bill language legislators passed can be found here.

How can I report discrimination or a hate crime?

Report Discrimination: The Minnesota Department of Human Rights is responsible for investigating charges of discrimination under the Minnesota Human Rights Act. If you believe you experienced discrimination, contact the Minnesota Department of Human Rights by completing this form or calling 1-833-454-0148. The Minnesota Department of Human Rights will determine if the reported incident is covered under the Minnesota Human Rights Act.

Report a Hate Crime: If you believe you are the victim of a crime, including a hate crime, or are in fear for your safety, call 911 immediately.

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