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Annual Financial Audit

Licensed gambling organizations are required to submit an annual financial audit of gambling activities to the Minnesota Department of Revenue if their gross receipts from lawful gambling, excluding electronic pull-tabs, are $750,000 or more at the end of their fiscal year [Minnesota Statute 297E.06, Subd. 4.].  When an organization submits an annual financial audit to the Minnesota Department of Revenue, it must also email an electronic copy of the audit to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board [Minnesota Statute 349.19, Subd. 12.].
Submitting annual financial audits to the Gambling Control Board
  • Copies of annual financial audits should be emailed to:
  • File format: Copies of annual audits should be sent as a PDF file.
  • Email subject line: Should include the organization's license number and the fiscal year end of the annual audit being submitted.


Q. When is the annual financial audit due to the Gambling Control Board?
A. The audit must be emailed to the Gambling Control Board at the same time that it is submitted to the Minnesota Department of Revenue.
Q. If an organization applies to the Department of Revenue for an annual audit filing extension, does that organization also need to apply for an extension with the Gambling Control Board?
A. No. The electronic copy is not due to the Gambling Control Board until the day it is actually filed with the Department of Revenue.
Q. Can organizations fax, mail, or drop of a paper copy of its annual financial audit to the Gambling Control Board?
A. No. Only electronic copies emailed to will be accepted.
Q. Do organizations need to email a copy of the annual certified inventory and cash count to the Gambling Control Board?
A. No. Only copies of annual financial audits are required to be emailed to the Gambling Control Board.
Q. Can organizations submit copies of annual financial audits using secure dropboxes, such as "ShareFile" or "Dropbox"?
A. No. Annual financial audits should be emailed in a PDF file to
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