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Coronavirus COVID-19 Preparedness Resources

Please check these resources periodically for updates 

MDH & EMSRB Links for EMS Regarding Coronavirus: 

EMS Vaccine Information


Federal Resource Links for EMS Regarding Coronavirus: 

COVID Response Trends

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be tracking/trending and reporting metrics related to statewide EMS responses. Currently, we are tracking all EMS responses, 911 responses, interfacility transfers, Motor Vehicle Crashes (MVC), Stroke/CVA, Cardiac responses (including STEMI), Cardiac Arrests, 911 Transports and Emergent 911 Transports. Data is aggregated and reported by week since January 1st, 2020 with comparison and trending over the same period year-to-year.  Generally, data will be updated and posted by the end of the following week.  NOTE: We are continuing to work with all agencies in the state to ensure timeliness of the data submissions and encourage all agencies reporting to the State of Minnesota using an automated web service process to submit records as near to real time as possible:

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