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Emergency Preparedness

Governor’s Executive Order – 13-13: 
Each department, independent division, bureau, board, commission and independent institution of the State government, hereinafter referred to as "agency," shall carry out the general emergency preparedness, planning, response, recovery, hazard mitigation continuity of operations and service continuation responsibilities described in this Executive Order, the specific emergency assignments contained in the Minnesota Emergency Operations Plan, the State All-Hazard Mitigation Plan and such other duties as may be requested by the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. The head of each agency shall be accountable for the execution of the responsibilities described in this Executive Order. 
Agency Responsibilities: 
Section 700 The Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board, with technical assistance from the Department of Transportation, shall develop and maintain a statewide emergency medical services radio communication plan. 
Section 701 The Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board shall, in coordination with other state agencies, provide guidance to pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services agencies in areas affected by all-hazard health/medical response events, including but not limited to, accidents/incidents involving hazardous materials, explosions, storage and transportation of radioactive materials, and fixed nuclear facilities, weather related events and pandemics. 
Section 702 The Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board shall coordinate resources for local ambulance service providers including, when required, coordinating pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services and transportation of patients requiring an ambulance, and for patients needing an ambulance during the evacuation of health/medical facilities. 
Section 703 The Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board shall assign personnel, as necessary, to state, regional, and local emergency operations centers, for the purpose of coordinating pre-hospital emergency medical services. 
Section 704 The Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board shall establish and maintain a list of the critical pre-hospital medical resources throughout the state and develop a system for rapid access to the data required to determine the availability of these resources. 
Section 705 The Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board shall, as needed, assist in coordinating Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) support to pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Providers.  Contact information for CISM.
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