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Ebola Readiness Reimbursement Appropriation

new Ebola Reimbursement Grant Submission Deadline Extended to April 7, 2016, at 4:00 p.m.

The Minnesota legislature appropriated $148,000.00 to ambulance services who can demonstrate extraordinary costs directly attributable to maintaining a state of readiness with respect to the public health threat posed by Ebola.  The Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB) has been tasked with proportionally allocating this grant to service providers. Those services that consider the measures and expenses they incurred extraordinary are encouraged to apply for this appropriation.  Below is detailed information about the request for reimbursement, requirements, as well as the materials needed to apply.  Please note the requirements section is quite long, but not all requirements need to be met in order to have a successful application.

Questions about this Request for Reimbursement, please contact Christopher Popp at:

starEMSRB Reimbursement Announcement to Ambulance Service Managers

star Legislative Action on Ebola Reimbursement for EMS

star Ebola Request for Reimbursement (RFR)

star Ebola RFR Sample Contract 

star Ebola RFR Attachment A Narrative (Word Format)

star Ebola RFR Attachment B Spreadsheet (Excel Format)

star Ebola RFR Evaluation Criteria (Excel Format)

star Minnesota W-9 Form (Must be completed and submitted with Reimbursement Request)

star Contract Between EMSRB and MDH for the Appropriation Reimbursement

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