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Mandatory Reporting Obligation

Minnesota licensed services have a statutory obligation to report misconduct, terminations, and resignations in lieu of terminations to the EMSRB. In order to streamline the reporting process, services must Submit a complaint in our reporting system so we can assure we have records of all reportable conduct. 

Filing a Mandatory Report

    1. Go to our Complaint Submission Center
    2. Click on Submit a Complaint
    3. Login in to your account
        -If you do not have account, you can create one for the service. This will provide you a record of all reports sent by your service.
    4. Complete the form provided. 
    5. Attach any forms or documents you would like to provide regarding your report (letters of termination, corrective action plans, etc.)
    6. Click Submit.

Once you submit the report, you will receive notification that your complaint is under review. The Investigations and Compliance section of the EMSRB reviews all mandatory reports submitted by services. In the review, we consider the severity of the conduct, likelihood of conduct reoccurrence, and appropriateness of EMSRB intervention. All services will receive confirmation that their reports have met their statutory compliance when a report is received. If an investigation is opened, the service contact will receive communication with an Investigator to obtain more information regarding the reported conduct. 

Reportable Conduct

Minnesota Statutes, section 144E.305, subdivision 2, requires all licensed services to report to the board any conduct by an emergency medical responder, EMT, AEMT, Paramedic, or Community Paramedic that they reasonably believe constitutes grounds for disciplinary action by the Board within 60 days of obtaining "verifiable knowledge" of the conduct or the termination/resignation. Conduct that are grounds for disciplinary action are:

  1. Violates sections 144E.001 to 144E.33 or the rules adopted under those sections, or an order that the board issued or is otherwise authorized or empowered to enforce, or agreement for corrective action;
  2. Misrepresents or falsifies information on an application form for certification
  3. Is convicted or pleads guilty or nolo contendere to any felony; any gross misdemeanor relating to assault, sexual misconduct, theft, or illegal use of drugs or alcohol; or any misdemeanor relating to assault, sexual misconduct, theft, or the illegal use of drugs or alcohol;
  4. Is actually or potentially unable to provide emergency medical services with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness, use of alcohol, drugs, chemicals, or any other material, or as a result of any mental or physical condition;
  5. Engages in unethical conduct, including, but not limited to, conduct likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the public or demonstrating a willful or careless disregard for the health, welfare, or safety of the public;
  6. Maltreats or abandons a patient;
  7. Violates any state of federal controlled substance law;
  8. Engages  in unprofessional conduct or any other conduct which has the potential for causing harm to the public, including any departure from or failure to conform to the minimum standards of acceptable and prevailing practice without actual injury having to be established;
  9. Provides emergency medical services under lapsed or nonrenewed credentials;
  10. Is subject to a denial, corrective, disciplinary, or other similar action in another jurisdiction or by another regulatory authority;
  11. Engages in conduct with a patient that is sexual or may reasonably be interpreted by the patient as sexual, or in any verbal behavior that is seductive or sexually demeaning to the patient; or
  12. Makes a false statement or knowingly provides false information to the board or fails to cooperate with an investigation of the board as required by section 144E.30.

What Happens to the Reported Conduct

A copy of the termination report is saved in each service's records. Additionally, a copy of the report is linked to the EMS provider's record. The information will be removed from the credentialed person's record after the appropriate retention period has elapsed. This allows the EMSRB to monitor patterned conduct and terminations. Reports are classified as private data by Chapter 13 of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.

What Happens if Your Service is Noncompliant or You are Unaware of Service's Compliance

If you are unaware of your service's compliance with this statute, send an email to If possible, provide the EMSRB with the last five actions that should have been reported. If they are not reported, we will work together to get your service into compliance. The EMSRB will issue a correction order to your service which will provide provide direction on how to best report the terminations to our office, in accordance to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 144E.31, subdivision 1. 

The EMSRB may assess a fine concurrently with the issuance of a correction order of $400, dependent on the variables that exist for the noncompliance. Once you are in compliance, the EMSRB expects your service to maintain your reporting obligation, as described in 144E.305, subdivision 2.


An ambulance service or individual is immune from civil liability or criminal prosecution for submitting in good faith a report to the Board. Reports are classified as confidential data on individuals or protected nonpublic data while an investigation is active. Except for the Board's final determination, all communications or information received by or disclosed to the Board relating to disciplinary matters of any person subject to the Board's regulatory jurisdiction are confidential and privileged. Any disciplinary hearing will be closed to the public.

Additional Information

For more information or questions about this process, please email
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