Complaints, Mandatory Reports, Self-Disclosures, and Disciplinary Action
The Minnesota EMSRB has the statutory authority to administer and enforce the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 144E. The EMSRB is responsible for assuring those who provide emergency medical services in the State of Minnesota are doing so in a safe, competent manner. Below you will find a brief explanation to the information provided in this section. If you have any questions regarding the EMSRB's Investigation and Compliance process, please send an email to
File a Complaint
- Direct link to our complaint submission center.
- If you have issues filing a complaint through our submission center, please email your complaint to Include at least your name, phone number, and the substance of your complaint.
Compliant Review Panel
- Information on our current Complaint Review Panel.
Disciplinary Actions
- Public disciplinary actions taken by the EMSRB. Updated at least once per month.
Health Professionals Services Program
- A program offered to health care providers in the State of Minnesota. HPSP promotes early intervention, diagnosis, and treatment for health professionals with illnesses and provides monitoring services as an alternative to Board discipline.
How to File a Complaint
- Information on how to file a complaint and our complaint investigation process
Mandatory Reporting Obligations
- Information for EMSRB licensed services who are required to report specific conduct as a part of their licensure.
Investigation Subjects
Self-Disclosure Requirements
Non-Disciplinary Corrective Actions