MNSTAR V2 forms do not collect the elements required for MNSTAR submission and are no longer available from the EMSRB. A number of Ambulance services have expressed interest or desire to use paper documentation in the field and later add the documentation into the MNSTAR Elite System.
We have developed 2 MNSTAR Elite Version 3 forms (NEMSIS 3.4.0):
- MNSTAR Version 3 Quick form. The quick form is intended to provide continuity of care for agencies using the State ePCR (MNSTAR Elite Field) system and are not completed with their documentation before leaving the hospital. The form does not collect all MNSTAR version 3 fields and is only intended to provide the receiving facility with critical prehospital care documentation information necessary for the hospital to continue to provide care to the patient before the entire EMS record is available in the MNSTAR Hospital Hub.
- MNSTAR Version 3: All Elements. The MNSTAR Version 3 all elements form provides a downloadable, printable copy of the MNSTAR Elite NEMSIS Version 3 documentation required by the EMSRB. The EMSRB will not be providing, creating or printing a multiple copy version for services to use; any additional copies needed (i.e. copy to be left at hospital) will need to be copied at the point of care. The core base form contains 8 pages with additional pages required in Cardiac Arrest, and Trauma. Also in the form are Additional Medication and Procedures worksheets and a list of all element values required for Impression (Primary/Secondary), Symptoms, Cause of Injury and an explanation of Patient Acuity definitions. While the ePCR system is dynamic and clearly outlines exactly what elements will need to be documented based on the incident/patient disposition, essentially driving the provider through the elements needed, it is the agency/providers responsibility to document the correct values in the paper form so the appropriate values can be entered into the MNSTAR Elite system. In addition, values in the lists provided for impression, symptoms and cause of injury are searchable in the MNSTAR Elite ePCR system; in printed version, we can only provide the complete list.