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EMS Education Reimbursement

The EMSRB provides EMS Education Reimbursement to ambulance services using staff that are considered volunteers (MS 144E.001 Subd. 15) for initial and refresher EMT education/training as follows:

Initial EMT Course: $900.00

Refresher EMT* Course: $375.00

* Which includes those taken by AEMT and Paramedics.

Note: Ambulance services may apply once every two years for this reimbursement in conjunction with renewal of their personnel. Receipts for the cost of the training are required. When submitting applications please ensure that applications are complete, including receipts. Not submitting complete applications may cause delays with the issuance of the reimbursement. If you have any questions, please contact the EMSRB at (651) 201-2800 or by email at


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