Minnesota's Cooper/Sams Volunteer Ambulance Award recognizes and rewards volunteer ambulance service personnel and provides an incentive for volunteers to enter the EMS field.
Important Deadlines
Online submission of the Credit Submission Form by the Ambulance Service: June 1, 2024- August 1, 2024
Applications by individuals applying for payment of the volunteer award, must be received by the EMSRB on or before October 1, 2024.
Earning Service Credits
A service credit is earned for one year of service, and each service credit is valued at $447.19.
Personnel are eligible to earn an annual service credit if they received no more than $9,887.00 per year in compensation from their service.
Ambulance Services upon submission of the online form, must obtain a Notary Signature and return this form to the EMSRB office no later than August 1st.
Redeeming Credits
To qualify for the one-time payment, EMRs, EMTs, AEMTs, Paramedics, ambulance drivers, and ambulance service medical directors must: