Section 2: General Information
Section 4: Socioeconomic Considerations
Section 5: Conservation Program
Section 8: Project Description
Section 9: Project Environmental Data
Section 10: Project Alternatives
Appendix A: Project Overview Map
Appendix B: Pipeline Safety Report
Appendix C: Muse-Stancil Report
Appendix D: Issue Resolution Sheet
Appendix E: Letters of Support
Appendix F: Product Deliveries
Appendix G: Shipper Nominations and Deliveries
Appendix H: Blank Nomination Form
Appendix I: Percentage of In-State Deliveries
Appendix J: Pipeline Refinery Map
Appendix K: Waterbodies Crossed
Appendix L: Unanticipated Discoveries Plan
Appendix M: Environmental Protection Plan (5.7 MB)
Appendix N: Agricultural Protection Plan
Appendix O: Public Outreach Materials (8.5 MB)