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Process for new or expanding adult day treatment service

Application steps

Step 1

The provider organization must submit a notice of intent to apply to become an ADT provider organization to The email subject line must include “Notice of Intent to Apply for ADT Service”.

Step 2

An email reply will be sent to the provider organization containing a link to the ‘New or Expanding ADT Service Application’ and other resources to help complete the required application process. Provider organization must complete and submit the application and attachments in PDF format to The email subject line must include “New/Expanding Adult Day Treatment Service Application”

Step 3

The provider organization will be notified by email that the application and attachments were received. Allow up to 60 days for a qualitative review of your ADT application documentation.

Step 4

DHS Behavioral Health Division (BHD) will examine the submitted application and attached documentation. Reviewers may provide recommendations to address before a decision is granted. BHD will make all recommendations available in writing to the provider. A phone conference will be available for the providers to ask questions or provide clarification about the recommendations and application submission process.

Step 5

DHS will make a determination after all required documentation is reviewed.  A phone conference may be scheduled to discuss determination and next steps.

DHS determination – Yes

A written notification of Approval as an ADT Provider Organization will be sent to the new or expanding ADT Provider Organization. The County Mental Health Authority Liaison and MHCP Provider Eligibility and Compliance will be copied in this notification letter. MHCP will require that all enrollment information is complete prior to starting services.

Contact Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) Provider Call Center at 651-431-2700 or 1-800-366-5411, to enroll as a new MHCP provider or to add ADT services to your organization’s current provider record, if applicable.

The notification letter is proof of approval as an ADT Provider Organization. It should be made available to Minnesota Managed Care Organizations, if requested as part of their enrollment process. The notification letter will include:

  • The time period of approval in relation to the Provider Type
  • Expiration of JACHO accreditation, DHS licensure, or the county contract associated with that provider organization.
  • MHCP Provider Eligibility and Compliance will require a copy of renewed annual ADT county contract.

Please use form Adult Day Treatment – Contract Cover Sheet DHS-3868 (PDF) to submit the annual county contract.

DHS determination – No

BHD will send a written notification to the Provider Organization Applicant with recommendations identifying the key factors to be addressed before they resubmit a new ADT Application.

Required Qualitative Review of Implemented ADT Program

BHD will schedule a Qualitative review with new or expanding ADT Provider Organizations within 12-18 months after being approved. Failure to completea Qualitative review will impact the statusof the ADT Provider organization and the ability to expand future ADT services or service locations.

A Qualitative review of an ADT program will include  the following components:

  • Diagnostic Assessment 
  • Functional Assessment
  • LOCUS or other Commissioner-approved Level of Care documentation recommending ADT
  • Individual Treatment Plan (initial and updated)
  • Process Notes
  • Discharge Plan and Summary

After the Qualitative review is complete, a follow-up phone conference will be scheduled to discuss the written summary of findings. This summary will identify strengths of the ADT provider organization, as well as recommendations for further implementation of ADT, if necessary.


If a potential ADT Provider Organization has questions, or is experiencing problems with the electronic submission of the ADT Approval Application, notify BHD through secure email at; the subject line must include

“Assistance Requested for ADT Application.” In the email please identify your question or subject to be addressed and provide your contact name and phone number.


On-line training for documentation of Diagnostic Assessments, Functional Assessments, and overall MA Documentation is offered through DHS TrainLink - Adult & Children’s Mental Health Learning Center.

Minnesota Health Care Program (MHCP) Provider Manual


ADT provider organizations are encouraged to develop Quality Improvement Action Plans which informs the strategic plans of the organization and may be submitted to BHD as a part of the review process.

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