Take your keys. Always.
By the time you end your workday, 16 cars will have been stolen across the state. Will your vehicle be one of them? And do you know what will happen after your car is stolen? The theft is just the beginning.
Any valuables you had in your car now belong to the thief. They’re gone. And if you leave your garage door opener in there, you risk access to your home as well.
Think about it. If your family only has one car, it is now harder to get to work and get kids to school.
The good news is that about nine cars in 10 are usually recovered in Minnesota. The bad news is that stolen cars are often trashed – used as places to take drugs, or for shelter.
If you get your car back, it might contain body fluids, used needles or other debris, to the point where you may not want it anymore. Additionally, you could be responsible for paying any impound fees and for necessary repairs, even though your car was stolen.